Bloodmage style Shoulder armor

I recall sometime ago that someone datamined what looked like Shoulder armor with a Mage aesthetic that had Verdant Orbs floating above the head that would probably be released for Trader’s Post. Anyone know when that might be or should I not hold my breath?

That was the mage cosmetic pieces from the trading post. It has been previewed but hasn’t been made available yet. The one we are supposed to be getting is gold with blue orbs. Or at least that’s what was shown in the preview. But there was also a gold with green orbs and a gold with purple orbs datamined. Which would be perfect for blood elves and void elves! I’m crossing my fingers that we get all three colours from one purchase as a special surprise.

Oh wait, so the recolours were specifically in the 10.2 data. So probably a different source.


Yea that’s it. I’m really looking forward to that for the Blood Elf Mage, at least the Green Orb one. Though, honestly… I can’t lie it does have me kind of wanting to do a Destruction Warlock Blood Elf.

Sometimes I kind of wish Blood Elves were Alliance so as to give the Alliance a more darker tone that they tried with Worgen. So Instead of Mage I’d go Warlock and I’d have a Alliance Warlock that pretty much felt right. Ah, no sense in what ifs at this point I guess.

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Well, the blue one is mage specific. I guess it remains to be seen whether or not that’s the case for the other two.