Bloodied and Molten Enchants - A short lifespan problem...and a solution!

SoD has introduced cosmetic weapon enchants that are acquired from the “hard” modes of raids. This has been a cool way to encourage people to try more challenges but not provided better loot. The only issue is these cool items have a very short life-span, if having one at all. Very few people will hold on to or keep these items, and what is worse, many players who attain hard mode loot might not even have a use for the weapon itself.

A solution - Why not instead make these things a cosmetic scroll or oil item that has a 100% drop chance off the hard mode(s) & applies a cosmetic enchant instead?

This would make ppl re-run raids to customize their look. “Oh awesome I got my favorite looking weapon from Ahn Qiraj, my whole theme is a fire mage so I am going to go do a quick Heat Level 3 boss in MC and apply the Molten effect to it!”

In my opinion, this is how “transmog” should have always been, not permanent changes to items but cosmetics you can apply to slightly alter your current loot’s color.


Oil of Uncoagulating Blood
Use: Permanently applies a cosmetic Blood effect to your weapon. This effect does not remove or replace other weapon enchants.

While it is likely too late to change this for MC, going forward I think people would love the ability to add a cosmetic to new gear, or else the cool new effects you Blizz Devs are making will be short lived! Thanks for your time.


Actually a very good idea!

I would say they should come from DE’ing a Molten/Bloodied item.

Really neat! +1