Bloodhoof Alliance Reconnections

I remember that guild name very vaguely. I think at this time I played a Hunter named Dyeyou and had a pally named Kakamar. Tica is the main name I remember and Ancela I believe.

We are almost at launch day folks! If you’d like to reconnect with some of the other former Bloodhoof players and see where everyone is headed, there is a Bloodhoof connections Discord set up. Join up today!

Character’s name: Lilmandy Gnome Warrior/Megamandy NE Druid
Guild: Mental Atrophy

Name I remember: Nil, Khodes, Weena, Kamaris, Trepp, Derevka, Blend, Ivex


Was Holy Priest Brity in Valor.

Posted earlier but raided as a Holy Paladin back then for Moribund. LF an Alliance Guild on Skeram if anyone will be there. I’ll be maining a human rogue this time around - Nazzle.

I played a priest named “Raeana” who was in Draconian Brotherhood, then Eternal Trinity on Bloodhoof back in the day.

I remember:
Salhalrys (spelling?)

and a few others, but have lost touch with everyone pretty much from Bloodhoof.

I was Sollitaire (still am) NE Druid on Bloodhoof (now on Darkspear). I was on Bloodhoof day one and stayed there for a very long time (until 2010 I think). I played with the following guilds:
Minions of the Night, Alliance of Khaz Modan

I was in a guild with you in BC, I think. Drawn and Quartered, or maybe Bad Karma?

Azrune - Druid(Night Elf at the time, of course).

Rolling on Whitemane now since I’ve actually always been a West Coastie.

Not sure, probably at least off-and-on. I’ll be on the RP-PVP server.

The twink names don’t sound familiar but, i was heavy into twinking. Ereden, 19 pally flag runner. I will definitely be doing more twinking

Hello friends from Bloodhoof! I used to play SillySally, a gnome warrior, she was my first love :). I believe my first guild was Aparitions, which was spelled wrong I believe and my favorite people to talk/play with were Nyrik, Gerv, Giver, Meiling (probably spelt that wrong) and many others. I have really missed you all over the years!! Please reach out to me if you remember me.

Sweeeet. As of right now I’ll probably be bouncing around a few servers. My battle net is Lydia#1509 and my discord is Lydia #0752 if you want to add me. I’ll only be a little hurt if you don’t.

I think I vaguely remember some of these names! Def Zarros

Khaylan! u crazy sob

Server: Bloodhoof
Character: Jay
Class: Mage
Guild: Fury of War

Character: Dreamwaaver
Class: Priest
Guild: Mortis Ominous?
PvP: Grand Marshall

I can’t even believe I’m seeing these names in 2019; it puts a smile on my face. Pretty mind blowing.

I miss our rogue chat. I wonder if Stinky and Kroen are still buming around.

Dream what’s up bro??? I remember you from the PvP team days like it was yesterday! You playing Classic? Add me: Zarros#1279

Alliance Blood hoof
Joeob human mage
Xanhast human warrior

honestly been in and out of wow so many times i can not remember my old guilds but hopefully looking to see some old buds. Used to hang with Rummy a dwarf priest, swisbeats ne hunter, verywitchy human lock. hmu if you recognize me.

Kroen is still here :slight_smile: I am playing on Pagle under the same name. Still a Gnome Rogue :slight_smile:

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