Bloodhoof Alliance Reconnections


Enigma (Grand Marshal)
Guild Leader - Revolution

Playing on Netherwind Alliance as Vyril.

We have a Revolution Discord for catching up, even if we’re not all playing together.

Server: Bloodhoof
Character: Averinah
Class: Warrior (Human)
Guild: Blood Shall Rain

I joined the guild about mid-WoTLK but I believe it was around for quite a while before that. I am still in touch with the GM on a daily basis. His name was Critty, but he also had a toon named Jartick. His mom was also in the guild. It’d be nice to see some familiar names :smiley:

I’m also looking for a player that went by Cozclown. I think he was a human paladin.

Hey Leeroy! Thrianias/Baistt here, previous Guildmaster of Wake of the Phoenix! Hit me up on Faerlina, currently leveling a Human Warrior with the intention of tanking :slight_smile:

Hey Tica! Thrianias/Baistt here, previous Guildmaster of Wake of the Phoenix! Good to see there are some of us still around :slight_smile:

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I used to Play hunter Screaminwild, druid Beastspirit. wonder if hunter Moonsing is still around.

Server: Bloodhoof
Class: NE Hunter
Character: Bowshot
Guilds: Cross of Vengeance, Fury of War

Played all of Vanilla stopped after BC looking to say hi to anyone who would remember me.

Name: Heboric
Class: Priest
Race: Dwarf
Guild: Revolution/Dark nemesis

hey dude this is Heboric from back on Bloodhoof and Barathol/whiskeyjack from warhammer online ( we used to torture poor ppl in rvr lakes all night long and id give you guys all the warhammer lore you could want) .been thinking aout comming back havent played retail in 6 months now dunno how but id love to get the discord

Name: Maraxus
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Guild: Black Templars
Bnet: Maraxus#1397

Hey Tear! Send me a msg.

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Shadow Ops, Cairdeas, Black Templars

Planning to come back later in the year. Trying to rope Kaiden back in too.

Guild: I AM

Roidz. Not sure if you remember Whispy my hunter main. I also played a mage named Jalapeno in during BC both in I AM.

Updating my old post. I am from Cairdeas, Claymour - mage and Zaruzzan - warrior.

I remember Greatjon and Satellar by name specifically. There are many people I remember fondly, but cannot remember their character names. I am on Herod, maining as Zaruzzan. I’ve formed my own guild there.

Name: Jackboss / Jackbigboss / Chika
Server: Bloodhoof
Race / class: Night Elf Druid
Guilds: Revolution, Conundrum, Harbingers of Death, Unity

Name: Jackboss / Jackbigboss / Chika
Server: Bloodhoof
Race / class: Night Elf Druid
Guilds: Revolution, Conundrum, Harbingers of Death, Unity

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Yo - you still running classic ? Darkraver here … got a 60 warr locked and loaded let’s go bro

Hiya Rynz :slight_smile: Long time no chat :slight_smile: Sybia says hi, and so do I! Playing on Westfall with SirDread and Andelina/Wolfbain and Umbrasbain right now. Hope you’re well!!

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Hey Silverdraugh! Great to hear from you. Would love to catch up some time. Tried to find you on Westfall but no luck. I’m playing as Rynzer on Bloodsail Buccaneers (Horde). Drop by and say hi!

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You gotta come say hi some evening :slight_smile: We’re getting the band back together!!! heheh Got Cranky, SirDread, Bowler, Umbrasbain, Wolfbain, Me, Sybia, Had Arcanum and Zannox drop in a few, but they’re not very active :frowning:

NE-Prot tank warrior
I was with wake of the Phoenix, exodus, and dark abyss. I played on bloodhoof originally before transferring to area 52 around the time of tbc release. I remember many names on here. Most of the people I enjoyed playing with are no longer around but if I’m wrong, hit me up on discord. Stryfe11279#7063
I started back up on wow classic about 6 months ago. Love the nostalgia but miss my old guildies.

Hey akroma are you or anyone else going to be playing wow classic?