Character Name(s): Fjordbane - Thrall & Sendray - Sargeras (Both Horde)
Classes: Death Knight & Paladin
Specs: Blood/Frost & Retribution
Duo looking for a place to game. We’re mostly interested in Mythic+ pushing and clearing Heroic raid content. While we aren’t opposed to pushing into Mythic raiding with the right group, it’s not a major focus of ours. We mostly want to see the raid content with a chill group of people.
We both have a plethora of experience in raiding between retail and classic. We ran our own guilds in WotLK/Cata Classic and cleared most of the raiding content on Heroic / Hardmode. Fjordbane (myself) has experience raid leading and doing call outs if necessary.
The only day that is basically a write off for both of us is Thursday evenings between 4 - 8pm MST. Ideally, we’re looking for a later evening group to do content with. Any time after 7pm MST would be ideal, though we could potentially make a slightly earlier time work.
If you would like to get ahold of me on Discord, my tag is ‘squirrels6676’ or you can contact me via Battle.Net at ‘IPrevail#11817’.
We both look forward to hearing from potential communities to game with! As returning players, we’ve got a lot to learn and would love a place to grow.