Bloodfang helmet

Most of the T2 sets look awesome but I’m sorry you guys murdered bloodfang. The helmet looks so goofy now and 100x less ominous. Please get rid of the silver nose bridge and or just make that part shadowy / don’t show any of the face skin… and keep the red glowing eyes.

Otherwise I’ll have to use a 20 year old helmet withy high res T2 set :confused:


After comparing the two versions… yeah, I have to agree.  It really doesn’t help either that the artist(s) chose to bleach out some of the deeper coloring used by the original set.

Why is 1-to-1 so hard to understand?


This was actually one of the first things I noticed when I looked at all the redone sets. This needs to be corrected 100%… that helm is iconic and they are not doing it justice.


99% of rogues agree, the other 1% got blind reflected


They need to adjust the helmet


They have officially updated the helmet and shoulders. Looks 100x better. Thank you for listening!

Those shoulders animations are :fire:

The black parts of the set also need darker coloring and less greyed black feel.

The other problem is the chest and legs and boots lack bulk, so it also looks really top-heavy for any models that are not humans or orcs.

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Yeah it looks cool and all but unless all that grey becomes deep black i’m gonna pass on it, let others enjoy it as they will

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I don’t disagree the entire armor set should be darker and more black instead of metallic grey, but the helmet was absolutely awful and the shoulders not far behind. At least those two issues were fixed