Bloodfang 8 set proc

Argh you totally caught me :stuck_out_tongue:

For pvp 1v1 it is good but from what Iā€™ve been reading itā€™s all broken, If all the hunters rocked t2 Iā€™m curious is EW would refresh enough to make it worth it over wall.

It is not worth the debuff slot for one hunter to wear it because the 8/8 proc rate is so low, from what Iā€™ve been reading you might see it proc once per boss fight with one hunter 8/8.

5 hunters in a raid? I donā€™t pugā€¦ and a pug with more than 3 hunters is a red flag.

If youā€™re a pvp player at all, T2 blows away offset pieces. Just sayin.

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Right lul, I canā€™t believe ZG actually came out that fast back in the day :open_mouth:

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I think a pug in general is a red flag.

Having DKP with a form of loot council is the best method.

Basically the loot council will prevent stupid attempts at item grabbing. Like giving the MC gun to a hunter will be a plain ā€œnoā€ when itā€™s a poor item choice for said hunter but itā€™s an amazing stat stick for rogue or warrior.

Loot council can be good IF itā€™s only job is to keep people from being stupid on loot.

For pvp I thought everyone wants pvp gloves and pvp bonus on pvp 4 piece.

Which rules out T2

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Depends on spec. The gloves generally have a very nice bonus on them. You can wear those and still do rest tier.

Some classes DO want their 4 piece bonus, like mage blink timer is great. Other classes itā€™s kinda lackluster. You have to judge jt on a case by case basis.

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Yes, but in this discussion itā€™s about how a rogue already has T2 8/8

The hunter set T2 is only worth getting if you can get the 8/8 and have multiple hunters in the raid.

So it would be best to funnel one hunter.

Even then you might not want to add it to your debuff slot if you donā€™t have enough hunters at the time.

So itā€™s generally better to funnel certain set bonuses vs spreading them out.

On my warlock I love the pvp gear bonuses. I figured itā€™s same for all because itā€™s generally pvp tailored.

I donā€™t know what bonuses most classes get though.

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For me personally, I dont value the 4 piece lock bonus at all. The glove bonus is great. Locks have a hard time with pushback so anything that helps with that is very welcome. I run SL in PVP and would rather have the 5 piece tier bonus for a god mode felhunter over immolate cast time.

If youā€™re running a fire lock in pvp, your perspective will be very different.

Ah. Yeah that pet bonus is nice.

Itā€™s probably nice to have both when you want to play different. I play conflagration spec, love it. This lets me global people with death combo.

Seduce - soul fire or bolt - immolate and conflagration as itā€™s flying, shadowburn. If target is alive for unknown reason, then I either seduce again or death coil into death combo. No one ever lived through that.

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Yes. A fire lock will have a very different take on the bonus.

Itā€™s why the pvp set bonus has to be considered on a case by case basis. Cant just make a blanket statement that itā€™s bad or good.

@brutain, any chance you were able to further test the proq rate, I looked at your logs and you do not seem to be wearing it. This thread went into a really weird direction but I am super keen to get some actual data on it. Please let me know if you get more accurate data.


I mean, Nef Head is 100% drop rate, so ostensiblyā€¦ yes? Someone is supposed to have it, even as soon as 1 day into release, much less 3 weeks.

Might as well be the GM.

BWL has been out for a month. We have a couple rogues at or close to 8 set. Just depends on how loot drops

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One of our hunters got 8/8 after the first run. LOL

I got mind quickening gem second run. Probably will get the staff if it drops from Nef next week. Nothing good this pass weekly clear.

Sure after a few weeks. But this guy was suggesting he had 8/8 after week 2. If youā€™re being fair about loot heā€™s either the only rogue or they arenā€™t being fair at all.

Damn shame only a single person was interested in the actually content of the question.
If, perchance, anyone has more info regarding bloodfang 8pc proc rate, please do share.


Looks like it averages out to be about a 3% DPS increase.