Bloodbound Horror (Second Boss Palace) - swapping aggro

In a few different groups, witnessed The Bloodbound Horror swap to a different tank (with out a taunt) during the frontal phase. Causing the same tank to take two frontals in a row.


I’ve had the same thing happen to me in 2 different groups tonight the first group my guild raid group and another group a pug raid group the lowest we could get him was 30% due to this issue. Every pull it would happen at some point in the pull making it impossible to kill the boss. The level of frustration we had running into this was/still is unexplainable. We under stand bugs happen but this is pretty ridiculous.

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Was still happening last night to be for guild run we done like 20 pulls and every time we were nailing it. it would randomly instinctually swap aggro and cast frontal on tank and group that wasn’t meant to have it. we tried everything. other tank would be in by liquid pooping off holding max aggro and I would be relaxing will little aggro and then boom it was swap me to and i would either die or we would be sent to shadow realm nowhere near mobs and be stuck since laser beam and it would be a wipe. happened so many times. It would normally do it after the large aoe when we would run back in and the next frontal would bug out. hope it gets fixed because it was really upsetting.

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So great to see it’s not just us. We had that happen on multiple pulls tonight as well. Some of our issue might be a bit of over-taunting, causing immunity, but it’s not enough to explain the chaos we saw. Happy to link logs if this gets any blue attention.

Can anyone say what their tank comp was? We had 2 pally tanks. Curious if that’s part of the bug.

i’d also like to ask if any or all of these groups that experienced this issue had both tanks as prot paladins?

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Yep. Double prot pally.

With some help from the pally discord server we THINK we figured out that our pally tanks were out-distancing the boss which made it feel like a random aggro drop. Not saying this isn’t a bug (considering how huge the bosses hit box is, this shouldn’t be an issue) but to avoid it we’re going to try making sure tanks are always in the inner half of the islands. I’ll update once we try it again.

I just had this happen twice while tanking on my prot pally on heroic in a PuG twice in a row. Right before the 2nd frontal aggro would snap back to the other tank. Both doing similar dps. Needless to say I got flamed hard. Second pull it was doing it again and I taunted. It snapped to other tank shortly after. Even while they were in the shadow realm. I taunted back. It went back to him. Finally I bubble taunted. And it still went back to them….

Like another post said maybe I was out of range. I was max halfway back on the little islands while repositioning the frontal but still auto attacking.

This happens about half the time in my raids.

any news on this issue? My guild was having this same issue Sunday night. Tank comp was DK/Pally. First it swapped to pally when DK was up, so we changed the order so that Pally would be up after run out and it swaps to DK on frontal instead. We even tried having the off tank group stay on the outside platforms for an extra couple seconds to allow the main group to get the frontal, and to our surprise the boss still swapped to the off tank way outside for the frontal. Also just to note, on threat meters, aggro never changes from active tank. Nameplates shows aggro for main tank the whole time, and off tank never receives any indication of target or threat change

Sorry to be so late to this - For us, we figured out that it was range. If you’re on the outside 50% of the little islands there’s a strong chance for an aggro swap. Keep your active tank on the inside and make sure the DPS aren’t dropping pools on them.

If you’re not sure if this is your issue, check out your Warcraftlogs and view the replay. If the aggro swap lines up with the active tank being a bit far, i bet that’s your issue.

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