Blood sucking vampires

I slightly envy you. I used to enjoy reading a long, very long time ago. There were entire series of books that I’d read multiple times through.

These days I do good to read the entire back of a cereal box before losing my focus and drifting on to something else.

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Sire is an excellent fight… one among the GOATs.


I was speaking about the infinite lifespan, a life span as long as a Vampires provide rooms with lots of free times.

Reading an entire library seven times over is one thing. If I was a vampire in reality, I would dedicate my free time to gain as much knowledge as possible, accumulate wealth from centuries of running a business, and more potentially benefit from the Vampire’s passive Regenerative healing from exercise which so intense it would normally kill me as a Human.

I would also have the free time to study every Martial Arts known to man.

you would be stuck in a rut for 500 years, working in a factory for minimum wage and have no free time to yourself due to your 250 children all with different mortals.

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Vampires are the worst. I remember this one guy who had to fight a vampire that had taken his great great grandfathers body for his own and could stop time. It was insane what vampires get up to.