Blood spec bonuses

30% hp + 30% healing received for similar 70-80% uptime, vs 10% DR. Hp pool is massive for bdk, which I’m sure you already know?
But the S3 set only is impacted by the mobs you hit with the proc. So it’s not just straight 10% dr, it’s 10% dr on select mobs. Where s2 will give you the benefit no matter how many mobs you have pulled.


no way you will have a 70-80% uptime on vamp blood. there is no contest at all here, s2 is worse than s3 period.


the BDK community is cooked. yall are voting S2 because it makes you feel “safer” we are giga tanky already. the S3 set is by FAR the best set for us. 20% damage amp on our phys abilities is crazy good.


The second set is much better for PvP.

Season 2 set actually felt great. Just wish we keep the season 3 mog.


Id like to remind everyone that s3 tiers is just a 2p… the 4p does nothing more than what the 2p already does…

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The poll is hasty imo. I wish Blizz gave a heads up so a little discussion could occur prior. S3 bonus seems best, but I skipped s2, and so I didn’t experience it. I haven’t voted for this reason.

Is there any reason we can’t have all 3 season bonuses available?

I vote for Shadowlands 9.2.5


Who on this planet was making you overwrite that proc offensively by hitting VB? Sounds like user input error. Stop screaming at the microwave grandma. <3

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Eh it gives basically a shield wall during abom pulls; but yeah otherwise it’s super weird and clunky idk who designed it.

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S3 has felt the best to me by far, s2 was fine but I didn’t really play around it much when pushing keys.

S3 I can actually make a spicy pull every now and then and plan around my CDs accordingly. It lets me go bigger when I’m ready to go bigger. In between it’s just smoothing out damage.

All of this is mostly moot for tyrannical weeks and pvp. I’m talking strictly fortified m+. Nothing on tyrannical feels dangerous to me on my dk really and both sets would be mostly okay for bosses. I don’t pvp or raid.

Meanwhile im the weird one that prefers the S1 bonus to all 3, but the most fun ive had was with S3.

How do you vote, when the sets aren’t shown?

tbh I’m with you that I enjoyed S1 the most, but it to me even if rebalanced just can’t compete with either, especially S3.

I honestly just can’t believe how many people pull out completely made up numbers to justify your opinions is wild. Also seeing how many people just ignore the offensive bonus of S2 is crazy in the world we live in threat wise. Imagine just not playing around your own dps.

S2 vamp blood uptime was off the charts. 20% base boost to both blood plague and heart strike was huge. The umbilicus interaction was huge. I dunno what yall are talking about. There’s a reason they nerfed s2 set weeks into s3… that being said, the set would have to be reverted to s2 %s, not the nerfed version.


I despise the S3 tier, if you gonna toss rng at a tank , let that at least be decent and defensive. I particularly dont like when they force you to use ONE skill like with most of S3 tier sets, sure most ppl might but still, dont screw those who might not.

Tier sets should not be skill dependant unless you are talking Marrowrend, Blood boil, things that you dont need to talent into and that are a core part of your toolkit.

The lesser evil is S2 - if you wish to ignore the whole mechanic you can, if you care for it/are doing harder content, you can easily bank on it.

Also with the current interface, WA/TMW and such are almost a requirement to optimally identify when those procs are up. Which is very frustrating.

Far as mog goes, I think is all equally horrible, I miss WoTLK and WoD aesthetics for DK, everything else to me is same meh " Un-dk" ish design lol.

Wanted to do some dream related dk thing? Should taken more off the Drust aesthetic and Nightmare aesthetic. Not whatever that is.


It is not slim at all. The S3 dmg boost is not on everything, if you proc on a big pull, great if you dont well boo. The proc between the two tier sets in my experience been with S2 proccing about 30% more than S3 tier in same combat duration. Neither those are fantastic options but S2 finds way more versatility in its usefulness and defense ability than S3 the way things are.

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I’ll be skipping S4. Community voting for both degenerate bonus and spike mog.

I definitely prefer S3 tier set over the previous, I feel like to call S3 RNG is slightly flawed, sure it can be annoying to get that initial proc however after that first proc of ashen decay, you shouldn’t be losing your debuff, at least on your primary target as its relatively easy to maintain as long as you play around it properly.
With that being said I average 75-85% uptime on ashen decay in majority of my runs.

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At this point blizzard should just make a 4th option to vote for each specc allowing people to choose the tier set they want at the catalyst rather than this voting since the majority of people DO NOT vote or pay attention to the forums in general.