Blood Knight tabard quest

I’m thinking of rolling a Blood Elf Paladin for a playthrough in Exile’s reach and was wondering if he can still get the quest that gives the Blood Knight tabard for transmog purposes.

Yes you can still get this tabard and get the quest

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Thanks, will check it out.

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you pick the quest up in the building in the center of the valley of strength

Is there a minimum level? I went there with my lvl 32 Belf pally alt and Master Pyreanor in Org. has no available quests.

Not sure. I got the quest at 120. Not sure now with prepatch. I do know I had to turn on the trivial quest for the ! to pop up.

Ok; thanks. I had already tried the “trivial” toggle and still nothing showed up. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I’m leveling through Legion in Chromie Time and the quest is phased out, or the level requirements are getting scaled along with the rest of the content. Regardless, I’ll keep checking Org. periodically as I level and report back what I find.

WoWhead says it requires 20. Chromie time might be the cause, it was one of those class BRD quests.

Ok As I said i got the quest at 120 a few weeks before they released the prepatch… I do know its from the paladin trainer in that building. I do find it curious that it isnt offered in silvermoon at the paladin trainers though.

I finally found it. The quest that rewards the tabard - “Weapons of Darkness” - is no longer given by Master Pyreanor in Grommash Hold in the Valley of Strength. For whatever reason, it is now given by Avaros Dawnglaive, the Paladin Trainer located in the Barracks in the Valley of Honor in Org.

Note: If you’re level is too high, you’ll need to turn on trivial quests to be able to see it.