Blood elves belong in the Horde

I’d say it’s more that Fel is pure chaos, while Void is pure nothingness.

As 8-Bit Theater says: “Such a universe would be statistically uniform in composition and therefore it would be ordered.”

Blood elves are true horde. Even lor’themar agrees and goes full lok’tar in the new novel. For the horde. Together.

Agreed. Seems impossible that Blizzard would add High Elves as their own allied race, so this is really the best that crowd can ever hope for, which is a shame. This is just going to go down as one more endless grievance Alliances player to throw at Blizzard over bias for the Horde.

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Ah yes, Void Elves are the GOOD elves…its not like you bound your bodies, minds and souls, to a endless abyss of chaos, suffering and madness or anything like that.


A necessary sacrifice that enables us to kill the Horde more efficiently. :smile:


Imagine following in the path of Dar’khan Drathir so you can more efficiently kill your friends and family better and not realizing you’re a horrid sociopath.


imagine thinking “they have been for 13 years and will for another 13!” is a strong argument

Quel’thelas has been part of the Horde for longer than they were officially part of the Alliance.

Just thought I’d put that out there.


Blood elves are strong independent women and belong wherever they want.


Definitely agree, although to add perhaps a counter opinion I do actually think it’s kinda cool that the Alliance some form of Forsaken-esque type of race, on other words: one that can take a certain race of the Horde and offer an incentive to defect to the other faction.

There are some differences in how it’s done with Void Elves and Forsaken of course but having a race that can sway opposite faction races to join them adds a bit more spice to the faction dynamic I think.

But yes, I’d like more storylines exploring more interaction with the Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei.

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No it doesn’t. add light worshiping orcs from draenor, or blood trolls that hate the zandalari, to the alliance, then you’ll be breaking tropes!


Probably because that’s more of a statement than an argument.


The entire post is a bunch of statements then.

A crap thread asserting an opinion with zero substantiation of it for attention - and you’re over here defending him on a technicality simply because you agree with his position.


A lot of threads are just opinions open for discussion. That doesn’t stop people from disagreeing. You could easily go on a post about why you think the opposite is true.

Well I was correcting you because I have a bad habit of being pedantic. All the same, I don’t care if someone is giving counter-arguments.

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I’d assert that your habit of being pedantic would be more accurately described as a habit of being pedantic towards those you disagree with - that you’re far more charitable and less pedantic towards those you agree with.

I think that’s a selection bias in-so-far as I’m going to only have long form discussions on the forum with people I’m disagreeing with. I don’t have an issue pointing out flaws in arguments I think are wrong whether I agree with said stance. But that’s not typically going to extend very far.

An off-hand example is the thread where Spuddyc is suggesting Orcs on the Alliance. Where I indicated I’m fine with it a couple times, just that I had an issue with how he claims some people with the situation on both sides.

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Also Alleria CAN touch Turalyon and feel no pain, as long as she is in her normal form.

Do you have the page number for the portal thing? That’s very interesting!

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Adding elves to the horde made them exotic and thus more interesting as a faction in the long run.

That’s an amazing point. And supporting my initial statement.

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For the Horde! always.

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Garithos rejoins the Alliance as a major Knights of the Silver Hand member to further alienate blood elves from their roots.

High elves, voidelves and Nightelves stay true to the Alliance.

Plot loose end amended and done with.