Blood elves back to using Fel it seems

Well it’s only natural that they’d relapse. Blood Elves never actually solved their dependency problems, they just switched to a less damaging substitute. They should have followed their Alliance-allied counterparts and learned to do with less… High Elves can live off nothing more than the ambient energies that come from being in the vicinity of a moon well. Why can’t Blood Elves do this too?

A Lack of Moonwells, I imagine. After helping to destroy Teldrassil I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to be getting near any either.

Could be wrong, but I don’t think it has to specifically be moonwells, just a weak ambient magic source. I imagine that just living close to certain points on the ley lines (in Stormwind for instance, with its proximity to the magical hotspot of Karazhan) could work just as well.

I think all that does is lead to a slow death. Since High elves are slowly but surely going extinct and only Blood elves (and void elves) will remain of the Quel’dorei.

If that’s the case, those were unholy crystals, not fel crystals. Unholy, fel and nature are all green. I know, it’s confusing.

I also just realized, there’s no way a Night elf would let a High elf near one of their sacred Moonwells being descendants of the Highborne. If I remember right the reason they weren’t a playable race in the beginning of the game was because the Night elves warned the Alliance not to trust them because of their hand in the War of the Ancients.

Sigh…no those arent fel crystals.

Those are crystals filled with dark energy. Go redo the bloodelf intro to understand them more or check wowpedia.

Technically they updated those crystals last expansion but I guess they’re accidently using the old model again.

Honestly, with the Legion probably being consumed in a universe-wide civil war, now’s probably the safest time in history to make use of their energies.

And hell, it isn’t like it’s anything worse than what the Alliance’s current main batch of Thalassians are using.



But it cause the alliance is using up all the void and light. fel was the only thing left

Yeah but nothings smell as good as fel in the morning, reminds of the smell of nitro in my old jerry rigged goblin speeder.

still mad void elves don’t hear voices by default.

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Well death knight magic is just kil’jaedens magic at the end of the day.

Oh that stuff is harmless

is quite literally bathing in green fire

People still complain about weaponized plague or fel . I don’t get it
why is it okay to burn horde to death but if an horde fel’s you to death that’s wrong.

Because we’re evil, and everyone has to complain that evil is wrong.

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Actually not evil.
Sylvanas was betrayed by humans (before) ect ect.
kaelthas betrayed racistly and disgustingly by humans (before) ect
thrall was hurt before doing any horde specific stuff
night elves started all the sargeras conflict
oh yeah f the horde tho.

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All those humans you’re talking about? From Lordaeron. The Forsaken people. The people they’re allied with.


C’mooooon, it’s not that bad. :smirk_cat:

Oh yes I remember that place well, it’s where I got the ‘come on and slam’ achievement by tossing 20 sin’dorei up into the air and slamming them back down to their death all at the same time. Glorious! I did notice they were doing something with fel crystals.