I hope I don’t get banned for this post but I just really felt I needed to write it.
I’ve always been a huge lore buff, love the Warcraft universe and pretty much all other Blizzard fantasy, been playing WoW for years and it got me through quite a few hardships. This past year though I started using and ended up in a pretty dark place. I’ve been seeking help and through therapy I’ve come along way. What helped me the most though was focusing again on my passion for fiction and fantasy, which my therapist encouraged. Specifically the fantasy lore of the Blood Elves. As maybe childish and delusional as it sounds, I found a great deal of inspiration in the idea of an entire civilization coping with the same affliction and hardships that I’ve endured. Through perseverance they got through it, stronger then before, and I’ve been keeping that in mind as I go through my struggles. I don’t mean this post as a cry for attention or approbation, I just felt the need to share because I’m proud of it and I hope others can relate
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That’s an interesting connection, and makes sense. If this therapy helps you, then go for it. Good luck to you in the future.