Yeah but she and Elune don’t share a mono opinion.
Tyrande had to threaten to quit worshiping Elune to become the night warrior.
Yeah but she and Elune don’t share a mono opinion.
Tyrande had to threaten to quit worshiping Elune to become the night warrior.
Yeah it’s kind of inherent to literally all having the same origin.
Brother, where did all other elves come from? Night Elves begat High Elves who begat Blood Elves who begat Void Elves then Nightborne who are formerly Night Elves like High Elves. They are all ELVES born of Elune’s embrace and changing of Dark Trolls into elves. Had Elune not changed the Dark Trolls there wouldn’t be any type of elves.
Brother, who has Elune gone out of her way not to aid?
“B-b-b-but moon named artifacts!”
Dry developers reuse names.
Void lord.
Also orcs used a fountain of Elune, lmao.
It’s like the orcs are in a place littered with elven ruins while the quel’dorei actually founded the actual city or something.
Also if you’re going to pull a reference to 3, Sylvanas’s kit in ROC includes Starfall (along with Sentinel Owl)and she’s actually using it rather than using something vaguely blessed by Elune millenia ago that the orcs happen to be wading through.
In the thousands of years since their change, the Kaldorei turned their focus from Elune to Empire and in particular to their Empress, Azshara, the mightiest sorcerer Azeroth has yet to produce. Only the peasants still held her in the regard of old, and the nobility let it continue since it kept the peasantry docile.
I’m not sure I buy that the one race that explicitly “abandoned their worship of the moon” actually secretly worships the moon because that word and a few echoes of their old empire persist in their new one.
If you guys are that determined to convert a Horde race to Elune maybe knock doors at Highmountain. HMT are literally genetically infused with the blessing of Elune’s son.
Azshara’s self appointede titulature indicate that she kept the religion alive (also it’s clear in general that it took a while for even the sisterhood to actually come to realize she had sold out the elves to the legion for power)
Also I’m not talking about conversion but about the iconography and especiall nomenclature that pretty common over Quel’thalas (and it’s not just horde, since this also affects the ren’dorei) despite people insisting they “do not care about the moon”, least of all when “the moon” is also the progenitor goddess of the elves.
Its not a matter of the whole race, but rather it continues in some small circles, religions never die all at once, its always a very slow death
I mean, certainly all those orreries and star sanctums indicate an interest in Thalassian astronomy. Astrology, maybe. But you’re going to have a hard time arguing that interest is theological when one of the few things we know about Thalassian faith is that it isn’t; they ceased their “worship” of the moon and Elune seven thousand years ago. Sunstrider (literally) poured the Kaldorei Empire’s magic into Quel’Thalas, but he made a point to abandon its religion.
Also, consider that those constructs fall under the purview of their Magisters, not their priesthood (which, as far as we know, more or less follows the human faith).
Elune banged a moose. She’s a weirdo. I’m not sure why anyone worships her.
I mean… you’re not wrong. She did do the nasty in the pasty. Her sister also seems to be freaky seen her night fae?
If bwom is to be believed, he did hint that he and the winter queen might’ve been a thing in the past
He’s the embodiment of the Unreliable Narrator.
Well, yeah. Kinda goes without saying. Everything he says is full of unprovable half truths.
On the other hand their attitude to each other is 100% exes who had a nasty breakup
And then her grandson banged a three-faced stone elemental with bad gas that served the Old Gods.
I have this theory that Elune is actually some sort of giant sentient space ship. That she abducted creatures and performed experiments on them.
(Yes, I am thinking about an “Elune’s Experiments” Raid Wing, when we have to board that ship and Raid it one day)
That would make it less “moon lady gets it on with a moose” and more like, she brought the Moose on her ship, used its genetic material, and produced offspring.
I think the “Tears of Elune” might be something akin to a fuel leak or maybe its filtering process can take liquids and convert them into these “tears”
I had this theory for years… but the fact that Elune’s sister is a robot almost bolsters that theory. Maybe Elune is like “My Mother the Car”
I’m hoping they go with the Xaxxas theory that the Eternal Ones are just vehicles that you can stuff any essence/spirit/soul into. That would at least leave the door open to Winter Queen and Elune being sisters from reality, rather than it being some cosmic scale copy-paste Robot/God nonsense.
I’d lean more into Elune creating an avatar to interact with creatures, rather than space age sci-fi stuff. It does raise some questions that her meddling always results in things that look like Night Elves. Like, if Trolls evolved into Night Elves, why does a Moon Goddess banging a Moose result in a Night Elf/Stag cross breed? Then there’s the hanging question of where all the Dryads and Keepers of the Grove came from. Cenarius doesn’t seem to have a mate. Does he just poop them out in the Emerald Dream? Spores? Why did Zaetar need to bang Theradras to have children then?
I’m going with dryads and keepers being Cenarius’ poop-children, because poop.
Comics comparison, but the only way Odin could stop his older brother was by killing literally anyone who had known his name and by burning all of his libraries, his statues, and his temples.
If you don’t do something like that, religions last for nearly ever.