Hell, by that argument (which is pretty weak) my point about lingering crypto-Elune worship is even stronger for Quel’thalas because the moonshrines (which, again, are referred to as temples in some of TBC’s quest dialogue) were important sites until literally the scourge.
I am pretty sure Legion makes a point of reminding that Lyleth is very much still an active Elune worshipper too
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Thalryssa gives a prayer at Elune’s temple. More of a reflexive act then a sincere devotion to the goddess. Nightborne seem to worship Elune as their cemeteries and the Tomb of Sargeras is slowly being restored to the Temple of Elune that it once was. Remember it used have a bridge that led to the giant church complex.
I can imagine that the Nightborne priests are a continuation of their faith in Elune. As Tyrande was a sister of Elune and the sisterhood was based in Suramar. I would guess the Nightborne are a mix between Night Elf devotion to agnostic Blood Elf approach, but I would guess it’s more like how in real life people in most Western countries are agnostic and yet will reflexively say, “God Bless you! Happy Holidays! God darn it or for god’s sake… or other god inspired phrases.” Many will reflexively pray or follow the faith in the doing good kind and charitable works, but not actually believe in God or act in said devotion as one would see in a true believer/devoted follower.
I’m going to assume that this is another thing that only shows up in a book?
That of the Sisterhood that survved the Legion onslaught left with Tryrande, the temple they had worshipped in was blasted out of existence.
They are canon, whether liked or not
What they are is stories not experienced in game, not even hinted at. So unless you made that purchase, they aren’t part of your experience.
Doesn’t really change the fact that it’s part of wows lore
Yea that doesn’t matter, whether you experience something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist wow lore doesn’t run on a babies object permanence
If it has no impact nor presence on the game world, it’s something that I’m not obliged to reference.
I’m totally correct that in the game world there is no touch print, no footprint of Elunite worship outside of Night elf areas.
Let me be clear… I have absolutely no issues with players portraying their nightbourne priests as Elunite worshippers, that won’t stop my Night Ellf however, from slinging arrows at them in Alteraac valley. And my Blood Elf warlock will be dumping an appropriate amount of scorn at anyone who bends knee to a primitive Night Elf belief.
My blood elf hunter has less of an opinion, being more inclined to Tauren beliefs.
Occuleth also talks about how he misses the temple (I presume he means the tomb of Sargeras)
The first quest reward from Lyleth is also a religious object.
It’s your RP and all but you seem to confuse that for hard lore, which has Silvermoon, the old school statuary (some of which is shared assets with elven ruins on Kalimdor or underwater) in parts of the city (again named to honor Elune), the key of three moons, the mooncrystals, the fact that the places where the mooncrystals were kept are referred to as temples (temples to what, to whom? Clearly not the light as the ban’dinoriel was established when Quel’thalas was founded, millenia before the elves even started interacting with humans). Hell even “lady moon” and “little moon” as terms of endearment would tell me that the quel’dorei added rather than substracting in how they perceive the moon by focusing more on the sun.
The impenetrable wall of separation you see feels more like things that lingered to me. I could easily see some turning back to the old religion (which is hinted in vanilla with at least one quest), especially for those who remained in the alliance, but now that their closest allies are cousins who actually kept more of the old religion? I would not be surprised if some blood elves became more open to the idea of Elune beyond whatever cultural role she may have as a nebulous mother of the elves (and there are hints in Frozen Throne that the quel/sin’dorei could clearly easily recognize a priestess of Elune just fine after, what 5 generations post exile).
Maybe a return to Elune is the path needed for the ren’dorei to feel less like they are a hair from becoming old god cultists at any given time.
My experience is more of a continuity with the RTS.
The High Elves of the RTS seem far more aligned with the Light as practised by the Human and Dwarf religions. There’s none of that night elf flavor as the night elves aren’t even in the game when you first deal with High Elves. The half-elves of Arathi descent also seemed heavily aligned in that same culture, which also would have had roots in Quel’thelas.
The name argument in Silvermoon is a bit of a stretch when you don’t see it grounded by substantive anchors.
New book has thaly go to Elunes temple and go through the motions. She isn’t actually worshiping though.
I listed anchors lmao - anchors that have been around since ROC in some cases and which have not only not been retconned but stood the test of time more than the comics or Chronicles by simply actually being in the game.
You cling to an eroding faction divide that was jammed in by way of weak retcons that basically get forgotten everytime a dev looks into WC3 for ideas because wc3 night and blood elves were clearly not the product of millenia old hatreds.
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The iconography and the rebuilding efforts all over Suramar is of Elune and has remained and even under new leadership it continues. Even if the Nightborne aren’t Night Elves in the same way as they once were. They do remember, and they do still carry the traditions of the Kaldorei Empire.
I can’t imagine someone cleansing and rebuilding the Temple of Elune and the Cathedral of Eternal Night without a reason other than well it’s broken.
>Cathedral of Eternal Night
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She was going through the motions like someone from a secular Christian country who doesn’t really believe the old ways, but still does the Lord’s prayer motion or retain the tradition for nothing more than a reflexive response. Like how we celebrate Christmas without actually being Christian in the traditional sense.
I think Thalryssa’s gestures shows that while she personally doesn’t believe or follow the religion as she may have once followed, she still accepts it in the sense that it’s important as an institution and the old ways. Visiting the temple and touring the areas. I think other Nightborne may feel the same or others may very well be devout as they were back during the Kaldorei Empire.
It’s probably dependent on each elf. Be they Night Elf or Nightborne, High, Blood or Void. The prayers are still remembered and the ideas are still there. I wouldn’t be surprised if a Void Elf or Blood Elf or whatever may personally pray to the Moon Goddess and considering recent events. Even show signs of respect if not devotion to her. Maybe not like a traditionalist Kaldorei, but in their own way, respectful.
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There are three things specifically in Midnight that I’m hoping to see on that front
- A callback to that old Darkshore quest where a high elf tries to get accepted by her kaldorei cousins, partly because she’s hoping being near a moonwell might heal her mana starvation
- Callbacks to the Frozen Throne teamup (one thing that was always funny to me about how Legion had the elves working together in many places incidentally - you have a DH who is ostensibly related to lord Saltheril referring to the wardens as his sisters, you have so many night and blood elves who openly admire Felo’melorn and Dath’remar, I think Legion genuinely set a stage for elven teamups like no other expansion since TFT honestly)
- Some degree of reclamation of the temples where the moonstones were kept - at least the one that’s on the shores of the Elrendar feels like it should be close enough to be back under direct control - and a return to the grand temple of Elune at Broken Shore. And a minor callback to Occuleth lamenting about the temple being silent.
If the musical theme for Midnight manages to include Eversong musical themes (including Sunwell Plateau and Magister’s Terrace’s incredibly melancholy themes) with motifs from Shal’aran and Nightsong I may actually faint.
Blizzard uses racial leaders as stand ins for racial representation.
If Thalyssra isn’t worshiping, it makes sense that people who are not Elune’s chosen favorite super race aren’t worshiping this goddess who loves one single race above all others in the entire multiverse.
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All the passage says is that she normally doesn’t have the patience for prayer, not much about what she believes (beyond the obvious that she obviously has some lingering belief in Elune as a significant goddess)
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Right, I have seen the actual text, you obviously have not.
Night Elf fan ignores context to pursue Elune being the most important god in the setting, worshiped by the horde, etc.
news at eleven.
Edit: I thought you didn’t double post on alts to support your own arguments, Mevanou?
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