Blood Elves and Elune

I mean what other religion could they possibly have, the light wasen’t founded until after the bubble went up and there is still also the fact that thalyssra used to be a praciticing elune worshipper meaning the faith was there in suramar when the bubble went up

By all apperances… they have none kind of like gnome priests. Priests are a game class.

Elven priests outside of the Night Elves are more like Light/Dark Mages.


thats not how thoses things work, they need to believe in something for their abilities to work, gnomes have a religion they worship the light

That “something” is a very wide area. Crusaders believe in their cause. Gnomes believe in thier knowledge and discipline. An atheist Priest can easily exist in this setting.


Kinda just sounds like you want to ignore the evidence cause you don’t like the possibility that elune might still be worshipped in a small capacity. not having a state religion doesn’t mean no one in that country worships

Not all gnome priests are what you describe. There are legit gnome priests that worship the Light.

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Blizzard really should have added different Light colorations.

The Elune silver animations being exclusive to druids where they do arcane damage for some reason sucks.

Blizzard kind of half-heartedly did gave draenei they blue Light they were supposed to have with Gift of the Naaru and Symbol of Hope, but then never let it expand to other spells.

They went to the trouble of making green fire for warlocks, but couldn’t do different Light colors for priests?

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To be fair, green fire was the work of one dev who took on the work of 3 people to get it done and that dev was specifically fired for doing stuff like that

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The current devs really suck about cosmetics. Every time they’re asked about new glyphs or anything they just say it’d be too confusing for PvPers. Inscription is basically a dead profession at this point.



Omg, I remember… oh god so many MMO at that time did this… I remember for a few years I just played single RPG games never looking back until Legion I think and only because they added DH and later new races… hit all my wants from old RTS WC3! If not I think I not be even here typing! :rofl:

I wonder if they had planned for more colors a few days back I created a Macro to be able to see more in detail the art behind the bloom that WoW uses in their game and I notice as I was picking an icon for the macro quite a few Warlock and other classes spells have different color variation! I was ecstatic to see them for sure… and got me wondering.
I won’t comment on the those dark times… and how poorly that was handle by management in that time. Such a waste or lost of good passionate talent and it was so innovative at that time were at least to my knowledge, nothing close to that was introduce to any game similar to WoW. (IMO) :triumph:

Agreed. Shame really since other MMO have started to do it and quickly realize this is an extremely good selling point. Right now ESO release free cosmetic for abilities instantly unlock if you have 2 level 50 character… and what do you think I been doing? Trying to finish leveling my alt so I can get does cool recolor of my spells!
Even the cursed engaging metrics benefit from such an implementation!
ESO basically took 2 dead profession of WoW Inscription and Archaeology and made it a viable rewarding gamemode to play with nice and interesting rewards beyond cosmetic.

I can understand the PvPers counter argument in the past but now, that we have even races that look similar to one another? I’m sure the Devs could figure a work around this for sure! (IMO)

“When it’s Red, it’s dead.”

That’s Blizzard when they look at the Horde Roster… just kill it…

Maybe tweet about what comes next in that Horde story, if they deign to.

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She gets snippy about Tyrande leaving her on read, really.

Also Occuleth is an even more extreme case given that he discusses the music at the temple in his quests with quite a lot of nostalgia.

So much for “Elune’s Wisdom”

Lucky for the Nightborne they didn’t join their kin from Kalimdor, they would be like the bottom of the bag popcorn seed or something

So she is snarky about what Tyrande said, I feel like you are reading way more into it than intended

I’m not seeing that evidence so I can’t ignore it. I did however spend a lot of time in Suramar’s bubble and an Elunite temple is something I would have noticed. Suramar had one Temple to Elune and it was destroyed in the War of Ancients. The priests that survived it’s destruction all joined themselves to Tyrande.

Thaylassra’s use of the term “Elune’s Wisdom” in that cut scene is a bitter and sarcastic reference to Tyrande, the least diplomatic leader in the Alliance, not a sign of Elune worship.


So because there wasen’t a visible temple there can’t be any elune worshipping nightborne, weird logic but alright

you can create a nightborne priest. It may indicate a small group of worshippers.

Unfortunately, there are no longer any class quests that delve deeper into their beliefs and role in society, so it could also be gameplay without a lot of thought.

Its literally the only way they have priests, they have the history for it, their leader used to be a practicing member of the faith and most of the nightbourne alive were alive during the war when the religion would have been big among them.

This setting is full of things we do not see in game anywhere, but we know exist in the lore.


Point to me where in the Lore is there mention of an Elunite temple in Suramar today or Elune worship among the modern Nightbourne. As I recall in the War of the Ancient books, the Highborne had switched their adoration from Elune to Azshara or had adopted narcissim as their spiritual outlook. Tyrande was clearly from the fashionable part of Kaldorei society but chose to slumm it with the Stormrage twins and did the equivalent of becoming a nun by becoming part of the Sisterhood.

Like most cultures the Nightbourne suffer from a total lack of devlopment in depth. But I can’t see Highborne adopting Elune worship given their outlook and history, outlier individuals perhaps, but not the society as a whole.