Blood Elf Warriors

Hey all,

So I’m sitting here wanting to faction change this Warrior to Horde, when it occurred to me. You don’t see Belf Warriors much these days, Cata-Mop they were decently prevalent but WoD till now it seems as if they practically vanished off the face of Azeroth. Why’s that? I really enjoy the female Belf animations, so would prefer to switch over to one, but with that in mind it makes me hesitant.

I’m not really looking for the “Play what you enjoy” comments, because as we all know it obviously does come down to that. What I’m looking for is suggestions. Belf or suggestions on another potential candidate. I’m not to worried about racials, if I were then obviously Troll would be the go to as I am Fury mainly. Mostly concerned about looks and how well they pull off gear and their animations. Haven’t played Horde really as a main since Wrath, so I’m looking forward to coming back and want to get it right.

Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:

Blood elfs still look beautiful in gear and the animations on my DK and DH are still amazing. I’ve never played warrior but two of the warriors on my raid team are BE’s. Also their racial is strong AF on Zul and in KR’s.

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I am not really a min-maxer, but BE racials really offer less to Warriors than just about any other Horde race. Add to that players who come to Blood Elf for Lore reasons are probably looking for a caster class, Blood Knights, or rolling a Hunter for the “Elvish archer” archetype.

Warrior simply gibes least with the race.

I play blood elf warrior, and I love it. Blood elf racial is good for those moments when a paladin is dumb and bops in your face, forgetting you can just AT it off.

And overall, blood elves look good as warriors. Good animations. Other than shield animations. Shield animations on blood elves look weird because they put the shield behind them and do some wonky slide to the right when blocking.

My BE warrior is a 119 and I love how gear looks on them. My first warrior (back in 2006) was a human and a lot of the gear that looked good on humans looks good on BE’s too.

I miss that arcane torrent can’t silence anymore, but I like the dispel effect instead.

My only gripe is that weapons on BE females are scaled incorrectly.

I would suggest using the wowhead profiler, do an armory lookup of your current warrior and change the race there. You can do animations there too.

Mag’har orc females tickle my fancy and look really freaking cool. I love their hairstyles and they always look good in plate armor in my opinion. :grin:

I find blood elf warriors as adorable, so skinny and frail, holding weapons that are too big for them.


Back in the day, blood elves could not even be warriors.

I miss those days

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One thing I like is that Blood Elf guys and gals both look great in any armour you put on them and our combat stance with two-handed weapons is also pretty awesome :smile::crossed_swords:

belf warriors don’t exist

I personally don’t like the blood elf melee animations. I think Tauren and Orc have the better animations while undead look pretty fierce in some of the transmog.

If you want female I’d suggest a female orc warrior. Female orcs look amazing in plate.


Yeah Horde fury warrior should be a troll. But the Belf moves great as a warrior.

Agreed 100%

They have thighs that could crush diamonds.

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Blood Elfs don’t really scream Warrior or seem like the “me smash real good” type. I see them fitting the roles of mages, priests, or a “mean girls” type role players.

Bloodelf Warriors…I think I’m gonna be sick!

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Blood elves are little weenies who could only ever win in a girly slap fight.

Leave the Horde warriors to the brutal races.

I’m surprised you actually like the Blood Elf female melee animations. I think they look atrocious! Easily the worst in the game. Ranged was even worse until they fixes it this expansion.

But here’s a breakdown from my totally not objective opinion:


  • Orcs: Both males and females have really strong grounded animations. They are both a bit hunched over in battle stance though, and that might bother you. They look like warriors though, the male moreso than female. Can’t go wrong here. Although some people don’t like orc running animations since they are a bit cartoony.

Tauren: Easily one of the toughest looking warrior races. Nothing looks more bada$$ than a Tauren decked out in full Plate with giant weapons. The animations are good too. They feel impactful and don’t look awkward. Although Tauren don’t really have any flashy animations. No spins or flips or anything like that. One thing that bothers many people with Tauren is that they feel really slow. Since they are so much bigger than other races, their animations are a bit slower so that they don’t run faster than say a Goblin.

Undead: Some people love them, some hate them. They have a very unique flavor to them. If you like the aesthetic of bones and some shredded armor pieces, then go for it. Some armor looks really cool on them as well. Male two handed animations are wonky though, but it fits. You look like you’re flailing about, but it doesn’t seem out of place. Females have a really cool looking front flip attack animation with one handed weapons, and a really bouncy run.

Trolls: I can’t play trolls simply because it makes my back hurt to look at them. Male trolls have scoliosis*10. They hold their two handed weapons like an autistic Jedi trying to impersonate a martial arts master. One handed weapons are not so bad. They like to spin. Females aren’t as bad, but I’ve never really taken care to try one out.

Blood elves: You know all about females, but the males aren’t bad choices either. They do an anoying spin where they switch their weapon from one hand to the other behind their back, and that drives me nuts. Their battlestance is also very wide with a very Final Fantasy like bounce.

Goblins: Don’t forget these guys! Their animations are awesome! And they feel super fast to play because of their size. Keep in mind that a Goblin runs as fast as a Tauren. However, Goblins aren’t exactly intimidating or imposing.


  • Orcs are known for their ferocity and strength in war. Even before the blood corruption pre Warcraft 1, they had great warriors. The orc grunt is the backbone for any Horde army, and they are better and stronger than a human footman.

  • Tauren: These are the elite infantry of the Horde. No one can go toe to toe with a Tauren in melee. Tauren overpower their enemies with brute force, violent charges, and stomps that make the earth shake. Thunder clap feels best on a Tauren in my opinion. They were one of the most expensive units to buy in Warcraft 3, but they were worth it.

  • Blood elves: The Blood Elf faction in Warcraft 3 could recruit footmen just like the human faction, so we know that normal warriors are a part of their army. However, Blood Elves are mostly known for their Spell Breakers which are anti-magic warriors. But you could easily RP one with reflect magic and the Blood Elf heritage armor. Usually you see the Blood Elf army reflected in spell breakers, rangers, and mages. Keep in mind though, anyone can pick up a weapon, and isn’t that what a level one character just did.

Goblins: These guys warriors are called bruisers, and if you ever attacked anyone in a Goblin neutral city during Vanilla or BC, then you should be very familiar with them. While they are small, they make up for their size with technological innovation and often fight with giant tools and explosives. There are some really fun weapons and armor you can transmog for this.

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Does that make you a little blue weenie that competes in the girly slap fights? I mean you are a blue blood elf…

Yeah, but I get a 5% bonus in girly slap fights every now and then!