Blood Elf Warlock RP

I am trying my best to get into roleplay (I have a fear of approaching people) but before I got into doing that, I’ve been a writer for years. I love creating lore for my WoW characters and giving them a plot. However, with one of my newer characters, i am conflicted.

Is it possible anymore to really role play or write a Blood Elf warlock? I ask this considering shadow magic was banned from Quel’Thalas. Could my Blood Elf Warlock still be allowed in Quel’Thalas so long as he isn’t actually practicing dark magic in its borders? Could he still be a proud Sin’Dorei without converting to a Ren’Dorei? Or have Sin’Dorei Warlocks and Shadow priests been rendered a useless concept now?

I thought about just making him a void elf, but I simply don’t have the same passion for them (no hate to void elf lovers tho!) so I didn’t know if there was any way to write a Belf warlock after what happened with the void elves. If not, I will find a way to invest my heart into a Ren’Dorei, but some advice and recommendations would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Yes, Sin’dorei Warlocks are very much possible.

1 ) Just because shadow magic is illegal, doesn’t mean it can’t be done secretly. Just don’t get too wild/crazy/chaotic and otherwise ambitious with it, or else you’ll draw the attention of the Magisters/Regent-Lord. Besides, shadow isn’t the only thing warlocks wield. They also wield fel.

2 ) There are Warlocks in Silvermoon regardless. Blood Mages exist (albeit they’re very particular/specialized Warlocks), who are the elite of the Magisters.

Your warlock could very well be a proud Sin’dorei without having gone with Umbric’s folk, . Sin’dorei warlocks have not been rendered a useless concept. Shadow priests? They wield blatant/full-on void. Their practice would be considered illegal, as the void is an inherent risk to the Sunwell (see: Alleria Windrunner putting her little toe in the Sunwell Plateau)

You could easily write a Sin’dorei warlock as someone who hasn’t seen fit to give up the power of fel for a variety of reasons; it could be because the power of fel is sweet, it could be because your character views it as a useful tool in the defense of your chosen allies and the destruction of your chosen enemies, both and other reasons I haven’t listed.

Warlockery is something that’s heavily frowned upon in most societies, and for good reason. Blood Elves view it as evil, but they also acknowledge it as efficient and being able to get the job done.

So long as you keep it discreet and under wraps, and you’re just in general smart about it and don’t summon a horde of demons in the streets and call down Infernals in front of the Sunfury Spire, you should be fine.