Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Blood Elf lore is inconsistent?
I have found their lore to be rather consistent.

Personalities, however, can be somewhat inconsistent. Lor’themar participating in war in BFA on silly grounds is rather inconsistent to me.


Chromie hasn’t been paying attention since before MoP.

“w-w-w-why aren’t blood elves not evil self centrists that use the horde like sylvanas and only love themselves???”
“being actually loyal to the horde is breaking character despite ::checks notes:: five expansions of being loyal to the core.”

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I mean, keep in mind - The Void Elves were primarily made up of Blood Elves, aligned with the Horde and fully cooperative & happy to play along about that whole ordeal – The only thing that eventually set them apart was the disagreeances upon the research, use and meddling basis of the void, implied along with any others who shared similar mindsets.

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I… don’t disagree, but I do need to point out Umbric has at the least paid Lip Service to having never liked allying with the Horde. Very likely lying to try and win some sympathy or trust, but it’s there all the same.

I’ll underline the relevant bits.

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I would like to add elements of fel and undeath to the blood elves without taking away from the light and arcane elements.

The blood elves can get their dark edgy elements back without abandoning what they have today.

It’s not too late.


It’d be cool if the blood elves progressed/involved in such a way that there were strong elements of both; the darker days of TBC and the more bright perspective/views they have today. They could do a lot with experimenting with blood magic, for instance.

Could expand Rommath by having him dabble in it personally, or make an entire new character for it.


Honestly I doubt it was the intent of the character for him to be lying; he really is just that vapid. One of BFA’s sub-themes for the alliance was its member races having unshakable trust in and value for each other. It’s partially why the horde was falling apart (they couldn’t trust the alliance or each other until Anduin re-inspired Saurfang) with Tyrande being the token mistruster who was literally going to her grave over it. Umbric lying about distrusting the horde and preferring the alliance just to be accepted by them would undermine that message.


I’m not so sure. One of Umbric’s pissed quotes goes" Alleria and Turalyon? Not a chance " implying he’s not the staunch Alliance fan he pretends to be.
Not that I expect this to lead anywhere. Alliance characters aren’t allowed to be grey or interesting.


When they eventually add in Void Elf paladins, which they will at some point, they’re going to have to address this void and light touching creates some sort of catastrophe business.


I might be misunderstanding your meaning, but that line was more about them as a couple. Either he doesn’t approve of interracial couples, or he thinks Alleria is too good for Turalyon (with the unsaid part being, Umbric himself is a better match for her). As said, he’s paid plenty of lip service to being an Alliance supporter, and disliking the Horde.

I’d say the Void Elves’ actions in the Fourth War were pretty gray but… they weren’t. They were Vanta Black. The only reason anyone can stomach them is because the Devs did something they never do for the Horde: give justifications and spell out the alternatives and why those are worse.

Eh, Alleria and Turalyon can touch just fine.

That said, the most logical course with “Void” Elf Paladins, Druids, and Shamans is to just say canonically those are High Elves or something. Unless Blizzard goes in on Nightmare Druids for Void Elves, which could actually be kinda cool, assuming anything comes of it. I suppose Shamans might not be that big of a deal either, to be honest.


Huh I didn’t think of that as the quote is followed up by "I mean, not that I am ruling against them or anything " but that would be interesting, too!

Oh, absolutely. Void elf actions were pretty dark during the Fourth War, more so than those of other alliance members but of course they also had much to prove, being their enemies only yesterday. And I also see Umbric as someone who would hold a grudge. He did what he thought was best for his people and was exiled for his efforts, now let’s see how they like those powers used against them!
I would love to know more about his backstory, his relationship to Rommath especially because so far we know nothing except for what he lets us know.


Possibly. Lest we forget, despite no longer being a part of the Horde, Comrade Umbric was quite appalled by Gallywix’s War Profiteering.

Also, I made a mistake in that post. It was supposed to be that the Devs did something they never do for the Horde: Provide justifications behind morally bankrupt acts.

This is one of those things where the Devs probably don’t want to delve into it too deeply because it either makes the Void Elves look bad (furthering questions of why the Alliance accepted them to begin with), or it makes the Blood Elves look bad (only adding to the damage the Blood Elf narrative has been forced to endure for the travesty that is this race at this time).

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And expressed this displeasure by killing the workers, yes :rofl:

Pity, as far as I’m concerned. I’d take interesting stories over such concerns anytime.


This quote from Rommath is actually incredible stupid, and as far as i concern is non-canon, because it goes again everything Belfs stood for in TBC. Pre-TBC belfs was weak and complacent, scourge invasion make then remember what made them strong to begin with, so void elf should been allowed to exist in Silvermoon past TBC. Also in TBC the canonical hierarchy in belf society was: Magisters>Priests>Rangers>dogs>rats>microbes>paladins>bio-waste/excrements>warriros/rogues. So canonically speaking, aside from weird hate b0ner from Rommath, SP is somehow high rank citizens in Silvermoon. And SP belf, make infinite more sense that warrior or rogue, even more than paladins.

Honestly, I would had liked if they revealed they didn’t stop studying the harness and weaving of nether energies that Kael’Thas began in Netherstorm and used it to aid the Netherdrakes, in turn they revealed to them how to tap into the power more effectively – Creating artifacts of power that attracted Ethereal traders, further increasing their potential. Eventually coming to a breakthrough where they can tap into the twisting nether anywhere and use its most unadulterated form of energies (Non-Demonic / Not Fel-Saturated).

Use that as an stepping stone for world building, as going back to Azeroth to head home towards Quel’Thalas and share their knowledge & power from Outland – They brought back a large handful of the the Netherwing Dragonflight.

Would be a good boon for reviving ‘edgier elements’ for Blood Elves.

Imagine a questline of a scheme where an unhinged Void Elf is leading an assault on Silvermoon, only to be halted at the gates:

Verezor: “The Void shall claim Silvermoon, and soon after - The Sunwell too! This artifact I hold dampens holy energies & weakens its so called strength. Your newfound ‘power’ will be an ironic shadow, before the might of the void.”

Rommath: “Being former kin of ours, I thought you’d know that the light isn’t the only power we hold… Solaria. Deal with these interlopers. Show them our own potential & secrets ‘from the depths of the universe’ - We have harnessed.”

Solaria: “You hardly needed to ask Grand Magister. BEHOLD!”
{Nether Energies crackle and rip through the forces behind the void-elf}

Verezor: “BAH! Outrageous! How!? No matter, I am still not alone nor am I unmatched in strength of forces.” :smiling_imp:
{The Two remaining hooded ‘void elves’ next to Verezor transform into large void-remnants}

Solaria: “Well, believe it or not – We’re not alone in beings from a world beyond ours either.” :smirk:

{Two ‘Blood Elves’ transform into large Netherdrakes - Beaming a breath into the void remnants destroying them & crackling nether-lightning to destroy the light-dampening void artifact}

Verezor: WHAT!?

Rommath: They do not stand with the Horde, but they are with Quel’Thalas. Champion. We leave the honour of applying the finishing touch towards the … Expelling, of this interloper - To you.

Give some foreshadowing to future potential & further content with ‘The nether’ and more, down the road ahead. :slight_smile:

At the time, with the war in BFA – I’m sure many among the Horde would had actually agreed (Although probably would had also gestured that it shouldn’t belong in the Alliance’s hands either, given the animosity between the two factions which is fair).

A prayer that’ll never be realised. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The home of Silvermoon belongs to the Sin’dorei.
And the Sin’dorei pledge their home with the Horde (Minus the void using ones - Even those among their own people, as per the discussion of this thread lol)

By the titans I would love some dialog to merely touch base on that more directly. Especially at Belf Shadowpriests … Shadow spec in general rarely gets any love in lore. :broken_heart:

Like even if it was a force that hadn’t abandon their people in heart, and still chose to fight for the Horde among them — Which in turn was the reason to why they were later sought out by Rommath after the rise of the Void Elves, to become a ‘detection & protection’ force for Silvermoon against the more … Volatile forces of their kind.

Loophole filled, lore healed etc. I get its probably not the most ‘ideal’ method, but it’s a more justifiable one than the current ordeal lol. Would also tie-in good rivalry for ‘Faction Pride’ among classes for the players of the two races. :slight_smile:

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The issue is specifically Void and the Sunwell which is now a mixed cocktail of Arcane and Light, which must be stirred, not shaken.

Best way to deal with that, is simply make them ‘Void Knights’ and give them void visuals instead of light.

Do reverse business for Lightforged Draenei – Giving light visuals for shadow spells.

Do the same business as Void Elves for Mag’har orcs, giving them void-visuals for priests ‘light’ spells – Or put dialog that their light skills were taught & harnessed from the light of Rhukmar, of which they had learned to harness from Arrakoa (Either from Outland, Alternate Draenor or a cocktail of both).

:point_up: On the above, I’d love if they could revive the original Rhukmar and Anzu (From the Draenor that is now Outland) via the Emerald Dream / Ardenweald, into Azeroth through our titaness showing them compassion of sorts. I didn’t like them in WoD, but LOVED them from Chronicles :heart: … However that’s another topic. :sweat_smile:

:thinking: I’d always interpreted that as him not being a fan, simply because Turalyon is a simp for the light – And Umbric leaning more towards that of the void, wasn’t so fond of that. :joy:

OR they just learn the way that Orcs in the MU harness their Light powers.

That’s boring though, lol

This may honestly be too much work for a new class option, and for a single race. Now, if they were going to add Void visuals as an option for Paladins of every race that might be somewhat worthwhile, but that opens the floodgates to players rightfully asking for a whole slew of other options. Fire Mages wanting blue flames, for example. Druids wanting new sets of forms that anyone can access. Totem options for Shamans. Perhaps priests want void/light themed visuals for the Holy/Shadow spec.

Where, ‘Void Elf,’ Paladins are concerned, the simplest lore answer is just, ‘They’re actually High Elf Paladins.’ Druids for every race is already going to be nightmare levels of development (unless they create super generic forms for everyone to use which probably would leave a lot of folks unhappy).

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