Blood elf Or Zandilari troll for mage?

Just wondering what people think? I’m just kind of choosing a random class for next expansion and mage seems interesting to me atm. I would usually learn towards troll but for some reason i’m feeling blood elf too for some reason.

Void elf for the spell pushback immunity.

Zandalari get slowfall… on a class that already has slowfall. The self heal can be nice, however.

Blood elf is just a worse Void elf…

blood elf for the Arcane Torrent racial

Blood Elf because red, gold, and green look nice together.

Go Blood Elf.

Salama A’shalanorei!

Blood Elf Mage is that iconic combination. Nightborne works too.

Whichever one is easier to spell.

Have you played a zandalari before?
Just checking because a lot of people hate their running animation

I leveled a mage to about 13 before but some good racial inspired transmog on him and haven’t touched him since they were released as a race lol. I think the problem I have is i want gear to look cool on me and play into either the idea of race specific armor or class fantasy. I guess blood elf does both as most robes and head gear actually fit them.

I’d go with whichever you prefer the casting animations for. Racial abilities don’t strongly impact day-to-day play, but you will be looking at those animations constantly.

On the flip side, if you’re in to the ‘meta,’ then others have offered better advice than I will for choosing your race based on those factors.

What is the current leveling experience? do lowbies get to go into dragon flight this prepatch or is that being implemented later?

do you want to be a lanky parasitic mutant or the peak of the people who are favored by the gods and who live in the oldest empire ever? the choice to me is obvious, though i may be a tiny wee bit biased.

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I’m not actually sure if that is already the new default 10-70, or if that change is coming with the full release of the expansion. I think it already is, but I could be wrong. I’ve done all of my recent alt leveling in Remix myself.

but the way they run though… my nightborne always trail behind, especially when its a zerg

/cries in Suramarsway

went to time walking, dragon flight is choosable and “default” at level 10 now.

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