Blood Elf or Zandalari Troll Paladin?

Getting a bit tired of looking at my Human Paladin’s behind after ~17 years so I’m considering a faction change.

BE or ZT? I love both races equally.

Depends: do you like boots or not?

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Boots are nice but I don’t really care either way. Some of my favorite races are Draenei and Tauren after all.

Flip a coin, I guess.


Oh yeah, I guess that’s an option. Hmmm…

How hard would it be to name the elf or troll? :thinking:

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You either go Tauren or Zandalari. If you want to play Horde, thats it. Until Vulpera get to play as Pally.

Blood elves suck.


Blood elf for sure. I love the blood knight paladin theme. Not into the dinasaur paladin theme at all. It’s okay for druid, not for pally. Trolls and the light is iffy as is


None. Human or Dwarf looks the best in Paladin gears.

Sunwalkers and Prelates would be so much better with dedicated spell effects (same mechanics, different visuals) and armor kits so that gameplay matched the lore.

As to the question, I always think female BE Paladins are a bit too scrawny. Honestly, it’s hard to beat Female Draenei and Male Dwarf for the Paladin look. Zandalari can rock the two handed weapon fighter vibe, though, and they look good as golden light slinging warriors when they do wear their heritage armor or BfA era plate sets.

Not Draenei? Your Heresy has been noted. The Exarch shall be informed!

Waggle for the Light or go home!

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Specifically this.

Z-trolls look stout af in plate too.

Zalandari 4% crit if u choose paku

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If female, only threatening looking Paladin would be Tauren. Female Zandalari are like female Draenei, tall with noddle arms making the sword look heavier than them. Let alone Blood Elves.

If don’t care too much about that (because is a silly reason), and you are convinced in mingling with Blood Elves, I’d pick Blood Elf due to the Paladin lore they have. Just know that if you pick Blood Elf you’d have to accept the fact that you’re playing the second best Thalassian Elf, far behind Void Elves, far above High Elves.

But imo, as much as I love Tauren, the class is too focused on Human/Draenei light to the point of making Tauren/Zandalari paladins a bit weird.

If you like Tauren, why not Tauren Paladin?

I like to pick things for themes.

Tauren: Sunwalkers and harmony vibes. Their voice responses isn’t too annoying too.

Blood elf: Darker to Light Paladin blood knight vibes. Have their own Paladin racial armour. Pretty. Very pretentious if not at time obnoxious voices for males at least.

Zandalari: Using the light of the Loa of Kings. Considered one of the highest orders of priesthood in their culture. Have dinosaurs :t_rex:. Have their own racial glider.

You can wait for goblin paladins!

Zandalari gets my vote.

I say Blood Elf paladin.

There’s another superior option of going Draenei Paladin. For the light radiates within regardless of class, with devotion it burns even brighter.

I dunno if you picked already but here’s something fun, I find Zandalari trolls easier to give names that could fit either body type.

Blood elves have awful 2h stance animations, but Zandalari scream “HwoOOaAoAaOughghh…” when they die. Pick your poison.