Thinking whether I should stick with Blood Elf or switch my hunter to an Orc, I kinda like both of them for different reasons, so I would like some opinions here.
Blood Elf pros -
The only bow with a quiver is of elven design, so it fits perfectly.
The best mail armors in my opinion, look absolutely great on them such as the Nighthold(PvP version as well) and Hellfire Cidatel(My personal favorite, gives off a ranger vibe).
Silvermoon is always populated in Wyrmrest and it feels good spending time there as a Sin’dorei.
Blood elf cons -
Males have terrible animations.
Lackluster customization.
Feels awkward to be around Orgrimmar, at least for me.
Orc pros -
Tribal Hunters are always awesome.
Great customization.
My favorite race by far when it comes to WoW’s lore.
Great animations.
Orc hunter gives me some Vanilla WoW vibes.
Orc cons -
Limited transmog options due to their tribal nature.
The only bow with a quiver is of elven design, meaning it looks stupid on Orcs, which is a HUGE issue for me, I like my bows to have quivers, I am not a summoner, I am a hunter… That sometimes summon random animals out of nowhere to help me out.
Weapon is a center piece for me. If you’re going with one of elven design just make a story for it if you go orc. Otherwise it sounds like belf might be the better option for RP at least if you’re on Wyrmrest. I’m also bias but totally get the appeal of being in the tribal scene
I don’t think you should pick your race based on one weapon appearance, unless that is very important you. If you like orcs the best, then pick orcs. If you find the quiver look to be more important than that, pick blood elves.
I personally find the wild side of orcs very appealing and no other playable race seems to match that.
That is true, but I tend to follow a pattern of customization myself, I already know how he would look, including the transmog.
Yeah, particularly the racials really caught my attention when I was trying to create pros and cons, but I decided to leave it out since racials tend to be just a slight damage difference.
Honestly… Might as well go with Survival and use an axe all the time.
Well… Unless it’s a male Night Elf, then you have the worst animations in the game, by far!
That is true, it does allow for a bunch of tribal transmogs now that you mention it.
Well, that’s the worst part, I particularly just like the quiver, I don’t really enjoy Blood Elves, nor do I enjoy the whole Elven design, in a perfect world, Hunters would have a simple leather quiver attached to every bow in my opinion. Like I said above, I am thinking of maybe going survival? I need to think about it.
I’d say to just level both. Maybe once you play them more extensively and come up with a little backstory for each, you’d have an easier time deciding.