So in regards to lore, how common do Blood Elf mages even use frost magic? They all seem to prefer fire magic in general, as well as demon magic by default. Are there any notable Blood Elf frost mages?
Grand Magus Telestra? Technically high elf but really the same race.
Well, there’s Keynn, Legendary Frost Mage God.
Thats the only one i know of.
Afaik the blood elves switched from the frost magic of the kirin tor to the fire magic that seemed like demonic magic during warcraft 3.
That being said I see no lore contradiction in a blood elf frost mage. They are masters of magic after all and I bet they exist in the Sunreavers etc.
He is a fire mage.
With a heart cold as ice. I’ve seen what you did to those people on Sunstrider Isle. The younglings!
They are culturally distinct though.
With the sunwell restored and dependence on fel power gone I don’t think they are so different.
The mage in the illidari council uses Blizzard.
Many blood elf mage NPCs make use of the frost nova spell too.
Mages in general that can cast arcane spells will be able to use frost spells as it can be used as a derivative of arcane magic.
There are several ways to become a spellcaster, whether it’s through the power of nature, the power of the light, voodoo, runic, etc. or by tapping into the residual arcane energy left in the wake of the destruction of the well of eternity, which is what most Mages do. Arcane can be bent into elements, therefore any blood elf mage using arcane magic can cast frost spells (with training).
Blood and Fel magic are two other ways to use magic that doesn’t include frost, as the former is a corrupted version of life magic and the latter is fire and shadow.
Well dps is fire which is just the fun dps, frost mages tend to be pvp thus undead for pvp racials. Arcane mages tend to have mana management as their feature.
A blood elf IS a high elf. They just changed the name.
There’s technically some racial differences caused by fel exposure. Including green eyes and ruddier skin.
Though the biggest difference between high elves are blood elves are cultural/mindset related. The blood elves are consumed by vengeance and a lust for power, something that manifests totally in Sunwell with Kael’thas turning to the Burning Legion.
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