Would be really cool to have additional customizations that look like what Kael had, for example:
3 orbs going around the player - for variety they can be of various colors like: red - fire, green - fel, blue - frost, purple - arcane, yellow - holy.
To go further maybe the number of orbs can be customized to be 1 to 5, maybe some size differences as well, maybe shape too, or perhaps being able to leave trails behind them as well!
- cloaked capes, i’ve noticed that Kael had capes that flow around him, going from the front of his shoulders.
Like this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/3/3c/Kael%27thas_Sunstrider.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120904210533
It’s basically a type of cape not currently open to players, from what i know at least. And would make for some cloak and dagger type of mogs! Would look amazing with certain under-mogs.
The first one is just the thing warlocks has
2nd thing be cool, different cape types be nice
Wasn’t it a mage thing originally?
I think it could be a cosmetic for any class, since it can symbolize the power that that Blood Elf is associated with, something like an affinity it has.
I would just like my fire orbs from Felo’melorn back.
Mages got it with their Legion fire weapon, I think.
Not sure if they can still see them or not.
oh, I guess not
I’m pretty sure fancier cloaks is a limitation of the system. They are experimenting with stuff like the Trading Post cloaks that are combined hood/cloak situations though, so maybe we’ll see it someday.
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Could be, but these seem to be at a distance around the player, so they wouldn’t clip with most things. Hopefully they’ll put them in eventually.
It would probably be a cosmetic that requires the shoulders to be hidden, since the various shapes/sized would be impossible to work with
But just hanging over bare-shoulders could maaaaaybe work
Could be, or maybe they can adjust the way they flow the orbs.
Tbh orb clipping through some outrageously large shoulders or helm would be ok with me, they are magic afterall.
Oh I meant the cape thing, not the orbs, sorry
Ah well the cape is coming from the shoulders basically, but yeah clipping with different shoulder types could be a problem, maybe make them have their own “shoulder-like” models and have a bunch for the player to chose.
I guess that’d make them shoulders or cape, and auto-hide the other.
I think it was so symbolize how he was tapping fel.
Yes, that’s why we can symbolize it as a race, since it has that particular manifestation.
One can tap into different powers as a BE and have it shown.
As opposed to keeping this type of thing for mages/locks.
Would be more fun, imo.
It wasn’t because of the fel.
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I think he meant when it was green, after his resurrection with the fel.
Because yeah originally he had flame orbs in WC3 campaign, was one of my favorite heroes.
His autoattack was sending flaming orbs at the enemy if i remember right.
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I would settle for higher polygon character models that aren’t short twigs and look more like Alexstraza which is what blood elf females are supposed to look like. The blood elf in the Burning Crusade cinematic looked more like Alexstraza than the bad short twig low polygon character models forced on the player.
I guess you were never around for Mists of Pandaria. Warlocks had a minor “Glyph of verdant spheres” that changed their Soul shards or Burning Embers (Destruction resource) to resemble Kael’thas Verdant spheres! I had them, I loved them, and they were removed like so many other cool glyphs.
This is just making me want racial cosmetic glyphs.
Verdant spheres are OG belf stuff. They need it back.
I’d be so cool with glyphs coming “back”… they just left them in the rain to rot as far as i’m concerned.
New cosmetics via glyphs could be a way to add some of these things for sure.
Let’s hope Blizz is into the idea.
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They’re green because they were corrupted by destroying the Sunwell, which at the time was itself corrupted by necromantically resurrecting Kel’thuzad.
The orbs were originally part of the shield that protected Eversong Woods from Amani incursion, called Ban’dinoriel.
I know it’s 90% armor bulk, but I’d love if they ever did another model update they made the fem belf model thicker
On topic:
Racial glyphs sound like a lot of fun. If you’d be okay with everyone knowing what your resource level is at, they could tie the spheres to anything from combo points to dk runes.