Blood elf druids


In the next patch blood elves get a green hair option. In addition, Dragonflight has been adding new, wacky race/class options like Draenei Warlocks

this clearly means blood elves are gonna be druids in a few patches. I have foreseen it. Why else have green hair? Tauren and trolls have been running the show for too long

Do you want to be a belf druid? Do you want to have green hair? Do you have green hair in real life? Are you a druid in real life? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes”, please reply, or feel free to comment with “no” too I guess


No. I want to be a Gnome druid and have my treant form be a SHRUBBERY.

That or a Forsaken Blight Druid


All races all classes.

[slaps table]

Make it happen, Blizzard.


True, I need my Pandaren everything.


What? You mean Night Elves.

There’s really no reason not to do any race/any class anymore.

The lore was always a flimsy excuse not to, but Draenei Warlocks have blown that right out of the water.

But honestly, at this point we’re all just cycling through reasons to end WoW and start a sequel.


Not a druid fan here… I really hoping Shaman get the unlock treatment next because I really want to make a Blood Elf Shaman.

Mechagnome Demon hunters with Inspector Gadget propeller hats.

Devs said it would all happen, just over time.

I always wanted a Belf druid but I’d probably make the druid on my main roster undead :0

Now that blood elves can have red eyes, the only thing I still desperately want in this game is blood elf druids.

I’ve sent a number of in-game suggestions begging the dev team for blood elf druids. One time, I logged in when I was supposed to be getting ready for work just to ask for blood elf druids again, and I told them so.

The picture in the launcher infographic for Guardians of the Dream where they’ve got the green-haired blood elf next to the sun-themed boomkin and the phrase “Character Customizations: Blood elf and druid,” but without any mention of blood elf druids, feels like I’m being personally teased.

I’m thinking about ordering a bunch of pizza to Blizzard HQ and asking the pizza people to write various lines about how cool blood elf druids would be on the insides of the pizza box lids.

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Still waiting for Night Elf Paladins. Nothing else matters to me.

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Now that is devotion.

Might just have to start making suggestions like that myself… minus the pizza orders, I ain’t got that kind of money.

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Honestly both the Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei have Druidic-aligned people within their societies, they’re just less worshipping nature and manipulating nature.

Would be very interesting to see the Shal/Sin Druids step up to heal the Ghostlands and work on creating farmland around Suramar to keep the city from being entirely dependant on imports to feed their population, now that Arcwine is no longer capable of sustaining them in perpetuity. I would love to see The Scar likewise turned into farmland as both symbolic and a gigantic middle finger to the Scourge.

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I’m hopelessly edgy and miss the days when blood elves were parasitic freaks. We could’ve been the coolest druids if we tortured nature for its gifts instead of respecting it like losers. But since we’re pointy eared humans now I’ll take what we can get. I know most people are less dumb than me and don’t want pointless edginess.

I want to be a lynx and dragonhawk and would definitely make a belf druid. I also want Draenei Druids with Argus wildlife forms!

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I mean, the few Sin’dorei ‘druids’ we’ve met are all about shaping nature to suit them, rather than the other way around, and even our Kinder, Gentler Horde :tm: hasn’t totally abandoned the survival at all costs angle that made the Horde so much more interesting than Generic European Fantasy Faction aka the Alliance.

Finding ways to bind the Sunwell’s dual energies into the land again to reinforce the leylines and make Quel’thalas both a truly viable region again and to fortify the region against future Void and/or Fel incursions (and likely make it uninhabitable to the ‘traitors’ who joined the Alliance), regardless of the changes such an act will force onto the local flora and fauna could be an interesting story arc to pursue.

Kaldorei already had a strong grip on flesh-warping magic even Pre-Sundering, recklessly reshaping plants, animals and even elementals to suit their garish style to the point that, to Malfurion’s senses, the spirits of the plants, stones and even the air and fire were screaming in pain, being driven insane by their unnatural configurations. The Shal’dorei seem to practice a far less destructive form of that same flesh-warping magic, and given the only thing stopping them from turning in Raisin Elves again is a tree that is only sustainable by the grace of the Proto-Druids of Suramar and the Leylines of Azeroth.

While the Arcan’dor is stable now, it is still a very vulnerable thing given how flammable magical trees are in this setting, and how unhinged lunatics screaming about revenge and honor and justice can go around causing planetary wars at the drop of a hat. It would probably behoove the Shal’dorei to figure out a way to reproduce the Arcan’dor and ensure a stable supply of fruit and saplings remains viable no matter what happens in Suramar. Possibly trying to plant an Arcan’dor near the Sunwell would be their best bet, and would further symbolise and strengthen the political and social bonds between the two Elven race.

It would be very interesting to see the Lightforged Draenei and Draenei show up offering to help, only to find the Naaru asleep in the Sunwell is already aiding and actively ensuring that the Light is not intruding in the delicate maturation process of the Tree. Velen smiles and nods as if he’s aware of some private joke, the Draenei are confused and the LF Draenei are outraged and assume the Elves must be interfering in a perfectly natural and logical addition of Light energy to the mix, and the Arcan’dor grows, delivers the fruit … and the fruit is infused with both Light, Arcane and Nature energies.

Light would unbalance the tree, but now that it is matured, the essence of the Sunwell can flow freely in through the roots and infuse the fruits, without doing harm to the delicate harmony of the tree itself. Velen winks and nods at Lor’themar and Thalyssa and tells them he’ll be looking forwards to the wine they’ll make with this particular fruit, they look puzzled and say the fruit is too valuable and rare for such things, before he stops smiling, looks at them firmly and says they will need that wine in the future, then smiles again and moves on to speak to the other people at the unveiling.

And its a coin-toss if the vintage is really going to be some truly world-saving MacGuffinite or Velen just wants some nice wine to while away his days of relaxing now that the Legion is defeated and he can officially put his hooves up and say “Not my problem.” when these young whipper-snappers start trouble again.


Lore gymnastics aside, I’m just curious what their druid forms would look like. I’d like to think they’d pattern after several Ghostlands mobs, but with updated polygons. That in and of itself would be a huge treat.

It would be sick if cat form was a cat suit and bear form was just chubbing out.

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