Blood Elf Druids

I’m honestly not excited for belf druids because I think belves are overrated already. There are so many of them.
I wish people didn’t have such collective tastes lol


Depends on how the devs want to write it.

Either we get something new or they cite the Chronicles that we’ve retained our connection to nature from the pact made with Ysera and the elves.

Honestly I’m fine with either. Seeing the Ar’candor Tree become the link for Nightborne and Blood Elven druids would also be awesome.


This and our leaders are married now so even more overlapping would be wonderful in my opinion.


We had a tree of our own. It’d be nice if another would get planted on our lands.


Blood Elf Druid travel form


Nailed it.

Sin’dorei Druids would be awesome!


Completely onboard with Belf Druids.

Note; Nelves learnt Druidism not long after they had become Night Elves after the many eons of transformation from Dark Trolls.

The Highborne who become the High Elves may have had some who had honed the arts (tho unlikely).

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The Farstriders aren’t against the use of arcane magic, they even incorporate it into their fighting style with Arcane Shot and the like. They disagreed with the Blood Knights siphoning M’uru because it was blasphemous and immoral to siphon its power, not because it was done with arcane magic.

Not entirely; Tauren Sun worship is part of their druidism (which we also started to see in Cata as Druid spells with sun themes started to be added) and one way that it presents is through Paladins. But it’s their overall set of beliefs that puts An’she on the same plane of importance than Mu’sha (Unlike the Elune centric kaldorei beliefs) what makes their druidism unique.

So it’s their druidism which has an equal treatment of both Sun and Moon, and it was that which allowed them to use that power to create their own analogue to a Paladin.

I mean that’s the thing, all lore sources since War3 remove the druidic background from the runestones. War3 removed the druidic element from High Elves cinsiderably (probably to difference their more arcane based society from the druidic NE) and WoW and TBH continued that trend.

Some druidic elements remained on thalassians with early lore for the War3 rangers, as well as going into the RPG with that, but in WoW they have been pretty keen on upholding the retcon.

I feel that it fits better TBH. A form of druidism that comes from their affinity to the arcane, taught by NB, would be perfect IMO.

So what flight form is a phoenix? Cat form possibly a lynx, I don’t know what they’d get for bear or travel form

This is literally the perfect set for Blood Elf Druids when they come out :yellow_heart:

We’ll look radiant when we get eventually get Druids :hugs:

I’d like to see Blood Elf Druids lean into Sun reverence and affinity, as well as dabble a bit with the Arcane, as seen with notable Botanists.


Can we be all for BE druids without the desire to play one?


The new Druid set is so nice.


Druids require unique forms per race, so it’s not going to happen

omg i want it.

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It will happen eventually.

Alongside Shamans, Paladins.


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And all the different colors from glad to elite then LFR to mythic! They are all so amazing!

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That’s not really in the lore of hunters because if that were the case Night Elves would’ve expelled their hunters for using arcane magics.

The Farstriders didn’t institute a ban on the use of arcane magic they just prefered more nature based magics and trying to find more harmony with the land.

While many of their brethren focus on magical supremacy and the wonders of the arcane, the Farstriders retain some of their forebears’ connection to nature, feeling at home in the forests and finding allies in the wilderness
– Farstrider entry on the wowwiki

They disagreed heavily with how M’uru was being siphoned. Not just it being immoral but the arcane magisters performing it, as well as the Blood Knights using its power. The Farstriders continue to have disagreements with the magisters and the blood knights even after M’uru.

I feel like druids are going to be the absolute last class to be opened up on all races.

Please elves get over yourselves and stop asking for every.little.thing.