Blood Elf Druids

After Draenei and Lightorged Draenei Warlocks, it’s not defensible to oppose any race/class combination - established lore is no longer the roadblock it used to be.

Blood Elves, among others, will be receiving the Druid class. It’s just a matter of when.


I am 100% on board with Blood Elf Druids and Blood Elf Shamans, not to mention as soon as those two classes are added for Blood Elves we will finally be able to monopolize all classes. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


But… but… High Botanist Freywinn!


While I hope that 10.2 does bring us Druid for all races, I really hope effort is put to give all races some proper background. Blood Elves and Nightborne sharing a more Botanist/Astromancer lean in their form of druidism would be great. Regular animal forms would be great, but I would really like if NB/BE leaned more on their connection with the arcane, and their default shapeshifting was more based on Astral shapeshifting, kinda like the Masquerade guises NB can conjure. (but also offer regular druid forms, to show their path of druidsm isn’t completely homogenous and they have learned from other druid races, such as tauren)

I mean before the retcon the Blood Elves had druids. Our ancestors were at Hyjal when the elves made the pact with Ysera. Also according to the Chronicles we still have a connection to nature. So it’s not really that farfetched we would reignite our old ways, or maybe we’ve had a sect of the Farstriders practicing it in secret.




Anyone who doesn’t want Belf Druids is a certified loser who hates fun and puppies


I mean that’s the thing, the druidism from War2 was retconned in War3, so personally I would prefer they used more of their WoW evolution to introduce Druidism for them, you know? Nightborne have such a cool potential for their own druidism, and given how close they have become to BE I would like for them to build that up together.

Alternatively, it would be cool if BE druidism was influenced by the Tauren and their Sun reverence. I just think there’s so much potential for BE druidism to be more unique, with a context that reflects their current relationships, instead of just being based of ancient kaldorei practices.

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No they weren’t.

I mean, in the sense that at that time, all elves were night elves, yes. But the actual ancestors of the blood elves weren’t just any night elves, they were the Highborne caste who rejected druidism and nature magic in favor of the arcane.

The only issue with that is that the sun-worshipping tauren are paladins, and we already have paladins.


I don’t buy that it was 100% cut and dry that all the elves that were exiled by Malfurion and Tyrande were all Highborne. You know that families and friends would’ve departed as well, and not just the arcane practioners. We also see that clearly not all the Blood Elves are arcane practioners as the Farstriders adhere to nature far more than the arcane. They also departed Silvermoon because of their disagreements with the Blood Knights siphoning the Naaru with arcane magic. So not all Blood Elves / High Elves necessarily were arcanists or magic users. I think there’s a lot of wiggle room in their lore that could be patched in. I mean even before the retcon the ward stones in Eversong were set up by the High Elven druids to protect Eversong and Silvermoon.

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Well the retcon was also in WoW as well. In TBC lore before the retcon the ward stones in Eversong were set up by High Elven Druids.

I’d be okay if the Nightborne gifted an Ar’candor seed to the Blood Elves and begin a new style of druidism together.


You cannot buy it all you want. But that was our lineage. The High Elves came from the Highborne. It’s in the lore.

The High Elves were the ones that kept messing with magic and the well of eternity where Nelves had turned to druidism and nature to avoid magic and it’s tremendous costs.

They weren’t magic users but they had no problem with magic nor the well. It was only after the well was destroyed and we had to get magic from other means that they had issues.

There is definitely a lot of wiggle room for Belves to be Shamans or Druids, but it doesn’t have anything to do with coming from Night Elves or Highborne.


I’m honestly not excited for belf druids because I think belves are overrated already. There are so many of them.
I wish people didn’t have such collective tastes lol


Depends on how the devs want to write it.

Either we get something new or they cite the Chronicles that we’ve retained our connection to nature from the pact made with Ysera and the elves.

Honestly I’m fine with either. Seeing the Ar’candor Tree become the link for Nightborne and Blood Elven druids would also be awesome.


This and our leaders are married now so even more overlapping would be wonderful in my opinion.


We had a tree of our own. It’d be nice if another would get planted on our lands.


Blood Elf Druid travel form


Nailed it.

Sin’dorei Druids would be awesome!


Completely onboard with Belf Druids.

Note; Nelves learnt Druidism not long after they had become Night Elves after the many eons of transformation from Dark Trolls.

The Highborne who become the High Elves may have had some who had honed the arts (tho unlikely).

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The Farstriders aren’t against the use of arcane magic, they even incorporate it into their fighting style with Arcane Shot and the like. They disagreed with the Blood Knights siphoning M’uru because it was blasphemous and immoral to siphon its power, not because it was done with arcane magic.