Blood Elf Druids make sense and here's why

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Lol as funny as it sounds I love this to be a thing and in the lore both for Blood/Void/Nightborn elves… it be funny but unique if quirky way to do Druidism (IMO) :woozy_face:

We also know that the Arcane is part of Elune Star Fall and the Night Warrior so there is at least a common trait that the Thalassian and Shal’dorei there. :wink:

Other than every zone that nelves call home have unnaturally massive trees in a dusk-like setting with purple hues.

As a reminder, this is the statement, as if nelves don’t change kalimdor as they please, based on where they live and where they don’t.

Hell, Smallioz. You even had to move the goalpost and deny mention of world trees, lmao.
Your argument is already lost, defeated, and buried at sea.
:joy: :joy: :joy:

Casual reminder: Absolutely nothing about the Emerald Dream, green dragon flight, or the druids who support the Green Dragon Flight’s mutation of nature are natural. Eonar – A Titan of Order – edited nature as she pleased, and created the Emerald Dream herself.

Now Blizzard HAS to listen!

I can’t believe my thread about Blood Elf Druids gets derailed for cheap gotchas because a CERTAIN SOMEONE can’t stop talking about the Night Elves.


Wouldn’t’ve happened if a nelf player wasn’t makin’ bad faith arguments about why belves are too corrupt for manipulating their homelands similarly to how nelves do.

And westfall is perpetually in Fall, Elwyn is perpetually in the summer, Darkshire is always night and etc and etc.
Are the Druids behind every one of these? No.

I spefically mentioned Teldrassil because it went against nature and that is why it failed. There are other world trees who were perfectly fine but vulnerable to old god influences due to the emerald dream corruption.

What you don’t seem to understand is that there is a sustainable way to live with nature and there is another unsustainable way to do it.
Its like Los Angeles watering lawns to keep grass green when if the covetted water supply dries up, and it is drying up then all that greenery will die.
What the NEs do is rather forcing it they are working one with it, it is a collaborative effort, if the NEs all died and I know this is a wet dream of yours if it did happen then these groves would continue to exist because they worked with nature instead of against it.
If you bothered to pay any attention to NE leveling content at any point you would have understood this.

Emerald dream is from the Life domain. Life domain and nature go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly or more accurately fruit and jelly. One is from the other.

Night Elves live rent free in his head.


By that ideal, nothing in the cosmos is natural and everything is fabricated because it had to be created and shaped somewhere. If you want to get super meta (since that’s your jam) It’s all within a fabricated universe created by game developers so therefore it’s not natural.

Assuming my post was trying to make a bad faith argument and not meant to be a light-hearted jest (which it was) is your misunderstanding. Also, assuming I’m solely a Night Elf player trying to cry about the injustices of other elves is fairly presumptuous just because I’m posting on a Night Elf. I play all races, all factions and simply choose to post on my main (That I race-change semi-frequently, I should add.) You seem to just like singling out Night Elf players/posters for having regular lore conversations and twisting it into reasons why you don’t like Night Elves.

You’re entitled to that opinion, but making up lore to justify your hatred for a playerbase is tired and contrived. As always, with almost every post you write, just because it’s your headcanon doesn’t make it a reality within the lore of the game, and I’ll leave it at that.


I have never been more betrayed than this in all my life.

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On the topic at hand, I do think that there’s definitely a case to be made for Blood Elf druids in more recent times if we’re talking hypotheticals.

Like Anuella mentioned, The Farstriders are pretty attuned to the forest and I think if they did open up Druid again as an option for other races, a little bit of story finessing could create room for them and their own brand of Druidism.

I personally really like that they’ve implemented forms of Druidism within Zandalari and Kul Tiran culture that are their own brand outside of the typical Night Elven trope so I can’t see why that couldn’t be done for other pre-existing races like Blood Elf.

Dragonhawk flight form when!?


Blizz already confirmed when they announced that all races can be mages,priests and rogues that they would slowly begin to lift the race/class restrictions for all races. It’s going to happen eventually, all you can do now is wait.

Or someone could commit the crime of doing something original and do it from the kind of Mad scientist-mage Botanists that have defined Blood Elf Druidism in this franchise. Actually have a branch of Druids that have absolutely nothing to do with the Cenarian Circle.

I would like a Belf druid, a little fel corrupted too.

Controversial to Staghelm which should tell you all you need to know.

The fact that Xavius’s pawn actually is obsessed with maintaining the stasis quo(including restoring the recently removed Immortality) while the normal Druids want Flora to take over everything says a lot about how proper Druids think in WoW.

Druids let’s not forget created a Forest in the Blasted Lands after Staghelm was arrested which says a lot about how much they don’t care for Staghelm’s teachings.

Staghelm somehow thought that Night Elven death was unnatural presumably due to how they used to be immortal when they had the original Well of Eternity and yet he forbids restoring a Desert to the Jungle it once was by claiming it’s change is natural. A hypocritical attitude if ever I saw one.

Staghelm is basically like the Chamberlain from the Dark Crystal letting everything rot while maintaining his Race’s immortality(even as he attempts to murder his rivals) in a pragmatic manner(especially in comparison to Xavius who without Staghelm goes all in your face with the Nightmare) while claiming what’s going on is natural.

He also seems less brutish & more sophisticated than his master Xavius just like how the Chamberlain is less brutish than the Emperor of the Skeksis. He also outlives Xavius’s Body in Stormrage just as the Chamberlain outlives the Emperor though Xavius gets a new Body more blatantly brutish than before outliving Staghelm just as the Emperor title winds up claimed by a more brutish Skeksis who outlives(in the Comics anyways) the Chamberlain.

The point is: Staghelm is not a proper representation of WoW Druids but a Villain who wants to maintain his stasis quo even if his superiors on both sides couldn’t care less about the notion(Malfurion doesn’t want the stasis quo while Ragnaros and Xavius are too brutish to care).

Statis quo is a blasted world with desolation from plague, blight, demons and old god infestation and not to mention frigging cataclysm.

Yeah statis quo… passivity is an over correction.

Elementals happen naturally.
Draenor didn’t have a Titan World Soul, but it did have elementals.
That means Titan World Souls aren’t necessary for elementals to spawn on planets.

Sorry, what?
You’ve failed to disprove anything I’ve said. You even confirmed that you’re aware that Eonar created the Emerald Dream, and that Titans mutated the dragons.

Actually according to Chronicle Freya created the Emerald Dream without us being given details of what she made it from(there are rumors she shaped it out of an existing Dream of Azeroth as well as rumors that she shaped it out of thin air both of which appear in Chronicle) yet regardless the Elementals of Draenor only appeared because the Titan Aggramar was killing the Sporemounds with the Elementals coming directly from the corpse of Grond whom Aggramar created.

The Elementals of Draenor are just as much a part of the Breakers as the Orcs, Ogres, Ogron, Gronn, Magnaron and Colossi.


That would definitely be an interesting take, especially where we have instances of some Blood Elf botanists within Tempest Keep.

I definitely agree with the sentiment that there needs to be druidism outside Cenarion druidisim. As much as I like it, it makes the class lore feel a bit stagnant for races outside of Night Elf. There are different brands of Paladin (ie: Sunwalkers), so I can’t see why druidism can’t be branched out as well.

Disprove what? The ravings of a lunatic? I don’t even know what you’re even arguing about any more.

If you want proof that the High Elves locked Quel’thalas in a state of eternal spring, it’s in Chronicles v.1, second last paragraph under the segment ‘The Founding of Quel’thalas’ on pg. 121.

Your inability to understand yet another joke doesn’t equate to me confirming anything, but go off I guess.


Maybe, but like everything else in warcraft they might reverse said decision later down the line. The reason they are slow to change(especially theme definining things like race/faction barriers) is because it is an irreversible process. Once we have rogue taurens, you cant remove them.

And of course the fact that they would have to make new animations,models and mounts for ALL of the new races. As much as I want some badass holy nightsaber mount for the Night Elves that’s gonna take time. I’m honestly all for them just removing the race/class restrictions. I used to care about it for lore consistency but I’ve seen blizzard insert NPCs and mobs that are capable of casting abilities that their race usually can’t perform.

Not to mention that blizzard has been borrowing pretty heavily from DnD (among other properties). which doesn’t have race/class restrictions at all. Any race can be any class though some races perform better at certain classes than others which is a fair enough trade off.

Ah, ad hominem. The clarion call of the defeated argument, as if evading the questions weren’t proof enough.

Off you go then.
