Right. The ones that wanted to retain their arcane ways and not turn to druidism left, were exiled, whatever. These diverging paths is what ultimately made the races unique.
Right, they became infused so to speak with the Sunwell’s energies. And I would wager, whether explicitly stated or not, the same for NE’s and Moonwells which are nature magic.
I actually like the concept of Undead druids tapping more into more obscure aspects of nature like funghi, if that would ever be possible. IIRC something or another about undeath being able to happen with any kind of magic, but not quite sure about that.
I actually think it makes a lot of sense, at least for Night Elves. I remember after the Emerald Dream patch, a few primalists were joining them back. Plus, it’s funny that Druids of the Flame makes a weird sense for the Shaman class instead of Druid somehow.
The Night Elves evolved from the Dark Trolls and their evolution was derived from the Well of Eternity. So in a sense their skin colour was more-so derivative from their prior forms, as they more or less had the same colourations and then to a smaller degree, the well of eternity — not the Moonwells or nature magic.
I imagine the Blood Elves going to Malfurion humbly so he can teach him, and the developers making a nod to the simpsons with Malfurion saying -Came crawling back eh?-
Aside from that, it is a matter of time for it to happen.
I would honestly love another Nature using class that does something like this. But the last time I asked for a Nature caster outside of Druid… we got Evokers. >.>
Blizz really needs to stop being lazy about how they do the class/race unlocks. There was no reason the Man’ari shouldn’t have been an allied race instead of just a cosmetic. And they def shouldn’t have been an appearance for Lightforged.
I smell the fear in your bovines , you know the truth, you know that the day the Ren’dorei, Shal’dorei and Sin’dorei are capable of being druids yours will disappear. They have tried to drown us with racials but here we remain in the highest numbers, and you are terrified of the future of an Azeroth dominated by elves.
That or you ate too many beans, you will kill someone with that stench.
Thas’alah is a byproduct of the Sunwell - it’s a tree boosted by infusion with arcane magic. It is not a world tree that channels nature energy, ala Nordrassil, Teldrassil, Andrassil, Shaladrassil, or Amidrassil. As they are descendants of the High Elves that were banished post War of the Ancients, they never learned or had access to druidic magic, as that grew into prominence in Night Elf society.
Blood Elf Botanists are basically arcane herbalists, they are not druids. They are combining arcane/fel with plants. The Nightborne High Botanist Tel’arn similarly used the arcane magic of the Nightwell to alter plants as Suramar was cut off from Azeroth and did not learn druidic alongside their ‘lowborne’ elf cousins.
Lore wise, it does not make sense, High Elves do not have a connection or reverence of nature, which is a core requirement for druids to rise up.
Generalizing an entire race has always been weird to me. Yes, maybe as a culture they predominantly value vanity and arcane, but are they a hive mind? Are there no outliers? Can you genuinely say there’s not a single blood elf that values nature?
It’s more than just ‘values nature’, though. It’s a connection to the Emerald Dream that is a core component of druidism.
Yaungol got it from Cenarius, as did the Night Elves. Worgen got it from the Night-Elves (harvest-witches were not technically druids as we know them from what lore I can remember) and the Scythe of Elune. Kul Tirans got their druidism from the Thornspeakers, who appear to have ties to their own Wild God, Athair. Trolls learned it via entering the Emerald Dream (Zen’tabra) and interacting with Gonk, the Raptor Loa. Zandalari similarly interact with Gonk, as well as Pa’ku who are both associated with the Emerald Dream.
And yet Dracthyr have a connection to the Emerald Dream and the Green dragon flight and cannot be druids. There was zero lore reason for them to NOT be druids.
Pandaren arguably had an easy tie in to druidism as well since as a people they Revere their ancestors and nature. They also worship the August Celestials which are wild gods.
The simple answer is that blizzard simply does not wish to add new models at this time.
Lore is such an easy thing to write around. Ysera’s daughter is thankful that we stopped Fyrakk and is teaching druidism to any who are willing.