Who want to see this happen? I’d make a blood elf druid so fast if it happened. And with all the retcons and redoings of lore they might as well allow it. I mean hey if we can get Tauren paladins, there’s no way they couldn’t allow room in the lore for blood elf and void elf druids.
Void dinosaur for void elf druid form!
Hmmm time to leave some pictures here again…
Bonus non-elf:
Dwarf Druids first.
I think making new races druids is a strong no for me. They have to put a lot of time into druid forms. Too time consuming. I’d take new allied races over putting more work into an existing allied race.
They would be short cats and bears.
Honestly? No, these races are overplayed as it is. We don’t need more elves, we need to give players more reasons to play other races. #racialdiversity.
No elf shamans, no elf druids,etc.
You haters are no fun.
Nobody. Besides you, of course.
Tauren pallys made sense in that they use nature and the sun, etc and became sunwalkers. It’s a bit loose, but works for the most part.
Belves and velves are not in touch with nature, they’re in touch with magic. Similar to why there’s no Tauren warlocks or mages.
This. Blood elves (and by extension void elves) don’t use nature magic at all; they employ arcane, fel, and shadow magics, or wield the Light, but nowhere canonically at all do they utilize nature or elemental magics of any kind.
You’d literally have more of a foot to stand on trying to back goblins or gnomes as the next race that can roll paladins,
because they at least use the Light as priests. But the Quel’dorei stopped practicing nature magic in favor of dabbling in the arcane ten millenia ago, before they became the Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei in succession. You’re ten thousand years and two or three arcana-fueled stages of evolution too late, chum.
But there is Blood Elf pallys and priests… so…
The night elves and worgen can teach the void elves and the Tauren and trolls can teach the blood elves. It wouldn’t be hard to write in.
Becuz uv da sunwell…so…
Basically, this.
If they brought in a faction that DID utilize these things as a Blood Elf, and unlocked like one of the Allied Races, then I wouldn’t mind it.
As it is now, though - no thanks.
Until orc druids are a thing why even live?