Blood DKs spamming Death grip

Why can blood dks spam death grip over and over again? I understand Necro Limbs + Death grip Legendary + Pvp talent = 2 grips but is there something else? am I missing something? It feels like they never run out?

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There’s the legendary that let’s you grip again whenever you cast grip, the 2 charges talent, and death’s echo, right?

I haven’t double checked if death echo and the double grip stack since i don’t play bdk and servers are down, but if that’s the case then they’d have 6 grips before necro limb.

Blood DK kept me at Stables for like 5 minutes one day. Should’ve just let him kill me.


play bdk in rbg and kidnap healers


I’m pretty sure the 2 charges talent and death’s echo are the samething unless there’s another talent that blood dks have to give 2nd charge of grip?

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I play blood and yes I know I’m super annoying to people. I run the talent that gives me multiple death grips and makes my death and decay a 90% slow. I hit surprisingly hard with my legendary.

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The cool thing about Blood DK is so long as you’re not playing one, you’ll never be the worst player in a match.


A bdk kidnapped our priest healer in twin peaks and kept him under the bridge underwater until he drowned.


Unless you’re Doors and then you are always the worst player in the arena match. Goodbye don’t let the Doors hit you on the way out :wave:

Nah, Doors sends it.

I take it this guy ran into the demon bolt demo hpal blood dk team.

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Can’t unholy/frost death grip just as much as blood? From what I’ve seen the legendary + pvp talent exists for all DK specs. Blood DK death grip is 15 sec CD so I assume that’s the only difference

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Finally resubbed since im done with my work training.

But I wanted to comment on this because 2x grip (usable again within like 3 seconds), abom, gorefiend = fun.

God blood dks that build for spammable death grips in RBGs can literally keep a healer out of a fight indefinitely its so annoying.

1900 bm hunter :frowning:

It’s also on a 12 second CD with the Death Grip Legendary.


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