Blood DK is a trainwreck!

Yes. And cry, OMG do they cry.

Edit: They cry all the time… in this insti tu tiooon.

I do not think Blood is a trainwreck - I am also curious to see what life will be like once we get more Haste/HP pools - since our DS is % Hp and creates a blood shield. I find currently I can easily hit a drought of resources while trying to keep threat off some classes bursting.

I would never touch bonestorm as a talent; and do think you could do some funs stuff with Bonestorm to make it viable - like Bonestorm allowing you to break the 10 BS stacks while active (foul bulwark+ Bonestorm = really big HP pools) and Bonestorm damage scaling up with the # of BS stacks.

We are getting a 10% dmg reduction here soon since they found a major bug with DH tanks so that should help alot

Is this a PvP option? I went frost for PvP, but I much rather just play blood.

I’ve been stacking stam with armor kits and flasks and it does feel better.

I really like the Heal over time ability you can get in Torghast, that really helps smooth out the damage you take.

Yes if you’re going to PvP as Blood you’ll want to run Deaths Certainty+Runeforge of Sanguination.

Its definitely casually viable.
From a completely casual perspective, its probably better than Frost if im being honest. Frost only shines with voice and voiced coordination, two things casual play typically doesnt do.
Blood is a better standalone spec.

It sorta feels like its potentially competitively viable if someone was willing to take it seriously. But good luck trying to convince people to break meta.

This whole post made me laugh but especially the “Choose Necrolords”, then I kept laughing when I confirmed you have never done a key over 14 or even half the dungeons over a 0. Nor have you done CN.

So what I am seeing from you is someone that got carried in PVP and still can’t do any high end content.

Please no-one listen to this guys advice.

Venthyr is only good now, because CRW solves Boneshield problems that Abomination Limb was addressing.

So, yeah you can go Venthyr now and not be at a disadvantage.
You can go Night Fae and Kyrian as well now, its just gonna depend what build you want to do.
But at the time of that post, Necrolord was BiS relative to M+ and PvP.
Nowadays i dont really think it matters what you pick.
Definitely Necrolord for PvP, but as far as PvE goes youre pretty much free to choose between a handful of builds that all perform relatively equally.

I think for anyone who reads the thread it’s clear that you only speculate and have no experiences in most of the things you are talking about, which really just makes your comments guesswork at best.

Venthyr is BiS for M+ before, it’s still BiS for M+ now. If anything Necrolord is made more viable in M+ because of recent legendary buffs and fleshcraft buff. I switched to Necrolord because our guild doesn’t have another DK on raid roaster and grippy hands are nice for grouping adds up.

Boneshield is not a problem for DK in M+, RP is, and Venthyr fixes that.

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Venthyr was theorycrafted to be BiS before SL even went live.
That ended up not actually being the case.
Boneshield charges fix downtime better than Swarming mist does.
Because Boneshield charges are harder to acquire than RP is.
Marrowstrike is painful to cast when youre hitting downtime.
CRW/Abomination Limb bandaid this downtime where you cant really afford to be using MarrowStrikes, because youre clinging to runetaps, Heart Strikes, and DeathStrikes with each GCD, just to stay alive.

Swarming mist is redundant(You have Bonestorm and Blood Boil for AoE Snap aggro), its not even the reason why Venthyr is good right now.
Venthyr is good right now, because of General Dravens soulbinds combined with CRW and Fel Bulwark. Swarming mist is still a “meh” ability. But, 20% max health and 10% DR at sub-40% of that huge health pool is valuable(From Draven), and it is now realistic thanks to CRW buffs.

RP wasnt an issue in M+
Having to use Marrowrend so much was giving you RP issues.
Theres a subtle difference there.

However, you’ve already started with the insults from the get-go. So i know you are going to be adamant in refusing to take my word for things, and refusing to see any logic.
You will simply look at my 120 +14 HoA clears and say i dont know what im doing. Thats fine.

This DK has been both Venthyr and Necrolord.
Was Venthyr prior to CRW buffs.
The transition to Necrolord was an immense difference. Necrolord was far superior.
I havent been back to Venthyr since the CRW buffs went live, however, its pretty clear that there is valuable synergy with Fel Bulwark+General Draven+CRW+Red thirst+Swarming Mist+Blood tap, all kind of fueling into eachother.
Im not convinced the synergy is amazing enough to put Venthyr over Necrolord though, i would guess that its pretty equalized with Necrolord now.
(Keep in mind Fleshcraft got significantly buffed as well)

This is incorrect.

This is also incorrect, because that’s not what Swarming Mist is for. Also on higher keys you wouldn’t be using Bonestorm.

This is incorrect.

I did not start with an insult, merely stating that you are talking about things you have no experiences in, and refused multiple times to back them up with any sort of numeric proof. Therefore they should not be considered valid until proven so. I don’t need to take your word for anything. You need to prove that your words mean something. So far I haven’t seen any reason to take your words as they are.

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If u can’t even agree that Boneshield is harder to acquire than RP prior to CRW buffs we don’t need to continue.
Agree to disagree.

Maybe you have some different stat allotment that makes things feel different for you, who knows. Maybe you just play differently.

Regardless, all of the cov choices are in a pretty good spot for M+, so ppl should just do whatever they want.
Different covs will synergize with different leggos, talents, and stat distributions. But at the end of the day, as long as you min-max any of these builds, they all get the job done in a relatively equal manner.

i literally opened my initial comment with my experience so that it is not taken out of context.

It was, for Blood DK in M+. It was worse than Kyrian for raids. Necrolord was close, but a significant DPS boost for Unholy and Frost. The reason why there were at points more logs and more data of Necrolord M+ BDK’s was because those were 15’s and the majority of those players had Unholy logs for raid. AKA people playing the class as a hybrid.

The difference isn’t massive, to the point that even some people who primarily play Blood in M+ as an endgame still opt to go Necrolord because that difference in DPS is massive.

There’s supposed to be downtime with BDK, if you’re near the end of a pack in M+ that extra DS or HS likely won’t help much, so recapping on Marrowrend is. If you’re having RP issues, you’re likely not making good use of Osserary.

These are two different things for two completely different purposes. The change of adding BS charges was nice, the additional reduction making it available for every pack is what made CRW really strong in M+. 30% pure avoidance in M+ that can be deligated to be used on nearly every pull at higher keys or be up at the start of every dangerous pull is what it is used for. The BS charges allowing more HS’s is just the icing on the cake.

These are two different buttons.

Swarming is 10% dodge (13% because you’re probably running the conduit) that synergizes extremely well with CRW because each point of avoidance you have is worth more than the last. It gives a full RP bar and massive amounts of avoidance to lower the spending of that RP bar.

Bonestorm requires you to spend RP to heal, and actually doesn’t synergize well with the rest of the kit because Purgatory is a nice save me button, and Red Thirst allows reliability in rolling from avoidance to Vamp Blood every dangerous pack. Bonestorm unless you explitically play around it, can not be immediately used at the start of the pack because of the RP requirement, making it situationally bad for spike threat generation.

But these buttons aren’t even remotely the same.

Most people are running Nadija when they want to optimize, and Draven when they focus on Unholy/Frost for raids, but the differences between the soulbinds aren’t even massive which is why most people don’t care enough to swap, they just have Draven set with a bulky set up to do their weekly 15s. Which, for what it’s worth there’s nothing wrong with it.

You’re making these really bad comparisons to what are optimal set ups, to what are people running because they’re playing Blood as an OS.

This to which, I’ll point this out.

DK damage intake is valued based off their self healing, which a lot of which for it’s swings related down to math. In situations where you’re posing getting two shot, it’s more RNG to get hit 3 times in a row in rapid succession that being able to tag a hit, spike up with DS, and avoid the next two in a row, for which I’ll also reference this comment you made.

Bolded the part that leads me to think that you’re playing the spec wrong.

Because that’s not that strong for us, the reason why we take Will of the Necro is because it supplies a massive buffer range for where we can take damage and heal it up. You never want to be sitting in that range, you want to be spiking yourself back up.

Well obviously you dont want to be sitting around at low health.
I honestly just assumed everyone knew this.
But a massive health pool, and Draven create a significantly larger buffer. Was the point.

Your personal experiences, which weren’t applicable to the topic at hand. You commented on BDK in raid and high keys. You obviously have limited experiences in both. That’s fine, if you want to theorycraft. But if you want to theorycraft you gotta provide the numbers, and there was none.

So really, no experiences, no numbers, tell me again when should I, or indeed anyone, take your words seriously?

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I play within the confines of efficiency. So that i may chillax in Duelotar on my DK as quickly, efficiently, and optimally as possible. Because of this, my experience varies expansion to expansion. If i need to raid to be BiS. I will. If i need to PvP to be BiS. Ill do it- until i dont have to anymore. If M+ is the route, than, you get the point.
As far as SL goes, inorder to be BiS all i had to do is M14’s(Specifically spamming just one, because im being efficient) and a minimum of 1800CR in some form of PvP.

So, thats what i did.

Take my words understanding that context, and using your own brain to defrag my theorycrafts and whether or not i know what im talking about.

Playing this way, i tend to miss alot of the trophies for actually doing content.
Because i simply dont care about achieves, rating, or timing the highest key.
I care about targeting a certain effort to value ratio, putting it into action, and then doing what i love- Dueling.
But it should be noted that no matter what an expansion throws at me, i always get BiS at the same pace that the top 0.5% do.

Cool, I don’t care how you play. If this is how you choose to enjoy the game, great. Doesn’t change the fact you are still talking about things you have no experiences in, while at the same time unwilling to back up any claim with numbers.

I don’t wish to argue on this any further. But you should keep this in mind: if you’ve not tanked in mythic raid, perhaps not talk about it with any sort of authority.

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