Blood DK is a trainwreck!

It wouldn’t take a lot, just buff the damage of our aoe abilities and stuff that’s used on pull. This isn’t the first time it’s been brought up and won’t be the last, I get 9.0.5 is a lost cause but for 9.1 really, really look at a blood dk damage buff.

Yes the top influences the bottom and that will never be broken. What doesnt help is when you have a bunch of people on the forums complaining 24/7 about stuff that realistically is not that bad. So its a 2 prong issue, the top arent using them overwhelmingly, and the bottom are screaming that it isnt good enough because they run in use nothing and get slapped.

Also while there is nothing wrong with having multiple BRs in a group, if you are having to use multiple BRs there is a problem unless you are trying to cheese a mechanic.

Is blood a trainwreck? No, not in the slightest. Does it have issues? Sure. Its always had some kind of issue but so does basically all other specs out there.

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Grips, slows, stuns, healer can focus on other things and not the tank.

Perma kiting is dumb unless you are pushing 23s and even then it’s becoming less common, so that is not really an argument. Plus, more kiting = less damage from dps unless you only run mdi meta comps.

It takes more damage but heals more so it’s not really an argument either.

I agree with threat and damage but a good group doesn’t really need to worry about that.

The ability to kite often saves you from sticky situations.
Overall BDK isn’t bad but requires more attention, so while the spec is viable it is still suboptimal.

Suboptimal for what? People do 23s with a dk (which 99% of people don’t ever do), the highest key obtained is a 26 (which 99.9% of people don’t ever do).

Optimal is such a dumb word for this game as most people don’t even run 15s, which any class is optimal for.

Plus, dks have probably some of the best kiting kit in the game. You are mistaking kiting for mobility. Their issue is maintaining threat while kiting, not kiting itself.

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I barely even kite, BDKs can face tank almost everything, we don’t have to run away like VDH and Brm monks.
For example the dogs in HoA +15, I literally didn’t move even when the dogs got bolstered 3 times, I can’t do that on my VDH, it helps that I run CRW legendary.

Now try tanking with Loyal Beasts! :]

I can face tank them even with Loyal Beasts, in a 15+ that is. Haven’t tried that above 15+.

Both Loyal Beasts and 3 Bolstering? o,o

Yea, I cycle my cds of course and I’m running CRW legendary so most of the autoattacks get parried and my HP goes from 75k to 100k with Vampiric.

Impressive! :slight_smile:

I bet you can pull it off on Necrotic week instead of Bolstering but I bet you can be creative.

This I’m not so sure, I think blizz noticed how most tanks don’t like necrotic so it’s been a while since they put that affix in the weekly rotation, the last time we got necrotic was 2 months ago?

I think only bear druids can face tank that, BDK can for at least 15 seconds with CRW but then gotta dip.

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You cant actually tank that unless u have avoidance(DRW), or Treants or something.
Loyal Beasts+Bolstering will kill anything borderline instantly

Even if you’re running Gen Draven+Tombstone+Fel Bulwark and have 130k HP, and a 60k absorb. You still gonna flop. I dont doubt you face tanked them, but theres no possible way you did it yourself, without wasting 100% of youre CD’s to endure a couple seconds, when you could have just DnD/Chains of Iced and walked away instead.

But i suppose DPS is a factor. If you only had to tank them for >3 seconds vs <12+ seconds

I believe him.

CRW Parry and SM Dodge can be life or death for that situation.

i aint gonna trust that RNG! lol

If anything PoE taught me about Acrobatics, it can drastically increase your survivability by a lot.

RNG to avoid damage is better than having nothing to avoid damage at all.

Well I did face tank that and I didn’t die, no trees, no earth elemental.
My hp was bouncing of course but I had enough RP, it helps that the party was doing good damage + totem stun.

If I remember correctly I used Vampiric first, then DRW (with legendary) + Swarming mist so even tho my hp was all over the place, my RP regen was high.

And no, they don’t instantly destroy you.

Yes I could’ve D&D and kite but what’s the fun in that? Why do that when we can cycle cds and hold our ground.

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Hang in there we scale well with better gear . Once we’re all like 250 item level , last 6 months of the expac . We’ll be beastly

Beastly tough, yeah, but not damagewise, that’s the problem

Do people even care about what tank they play?