Homie there are under 450 parses for Blood Dk dps on heroic Sindy. That’s compared to the 10k plus logs for both UH and Frost. You’re basing your argument off a smaller and therefore easily skewed sample size. In terms of raw data…. You have shadowmourne…. You should be doing a lot more than you are.
Look at the top rank 1 logs between UH and Blood dk dps. The difference in dps is noticeable even when both have Smourne. A major difference is kill times. Groups with blood dps seem to have slower kill times
Blood dps amongst high end players which realistically shows what a class can do is currently putting out more damage than frost across the boss encounters of ICC total. If blood dps isn’t viable then every dk playing frost has to be griefing. Its as simple to see as going to warcraft logs classic, ICC statstics and looking at 90th percentile overall damage reports.