Honestly after testing and reviewing the tier sets bouns, changes here are my opinions for blood dk.
- Tier bouns, is not great for raids. Amongest few single target bosses, deathstrike cannot hit more than 1 target if there is only 1 target.
Suggestion: Make deathstrike hit the same target multiple times if there are no secondary target. OR redesign the set bouns to make dancing rune weapon more powerful (ex. increase duration / reduce cds / reduce runic power on deathstrikes etc)
- Blood DK still cannot tank high keys. Due to the design of the blood dk, it revert the damange intake to heal. But on high keys the damange is killing the blood dk because there is just no way to out heal the DPS from the mobs vs the HPS you got from the Deathstrike globals.
Suggestion: Revert changes on last 5 seconds of the damange taken for healing and dramaically increase the threat that blood dk deals so mobs can be kited.
- More for all tanks 2 set bouns: random 4 second defensive reduction. This bouns is pretty much useless unless the proc rate is very high. In the PTR this proc rate is worse than some of the proc rate in season 1 trinkets.
Suggestion: Make it a flat damange reduction whenever a damange exceed 10% of your max hp. This would make it viable for all tanks.
Lastly, I feel like the trinket damange nerf was unecessary. Since there was already a nerf to tank’s survivability. On top of trinket damange nerf it would cause a lot less people wanting to play blood dk, well “tank” in general. Season 1 already proven that tanks are less fun, more stress, getting more bullied, and literally cannot have any new people that want to learn the spec because it is so important to the group. Basically if you die, your group likely to wipe. You can lose a dps or two and they release to run back but as a tank if you die, your dps die with you and for M+ it is the reason for most of the wipes and key bricks.
Move talent points to be more competitive. Need more defensive utilities.
The problem with Blood DK is simple, to be the “heal spec” Tank of DK’s, the heals are laughable even when compared to a Ret Pally, which is NOT a " heal spec" ., or even a Tank spec.Blood DK heals need to be buffed in a HUGE way to close the current gap between them and even Ret Pallys.,as it is right now it’s not even close.
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Agree, DK Survivability was terrible in high keys BEFORE they nerfed Death Strike at the end of Dragon flight, it is even worse now. That change needs to be reverted ASAP.
Playing a DK in high keys is an absolute Russian roulette right now.
Another week… another 0 changes for blood dk
Starting to hate this game
For some reason BDK is getting Brewmaster treatment. I feels blizzard is no longer capable of balancing BDK.
Blizzard has not been capable of balancing bdk for a long long time. This is nothing new, theyve done this before, they will do it again. I am sorry if any1 here loves Bdk, I know i love it too, and it sucks to hear it, but the odds are no help is coming. Bliz doesnt care, and even if they did they dont have the time. Bdk is so broken (bad) right now that it would require massive changes to the spec to make them viable in high keys. Changes that we will not see for a very long time. So suffer well my friends and start praciticing ur Vdh, they r pretty much just bttr bdk right now anway, youll even get to bring a group buff.
I think many blood death knights would love to see a rework, I just don’t see it happening right now. Blizzard seems to be focused on many other aspects of the game and other classes leaving us in a position that is familiar in higher mythic plus keys(not that I really do high keys imo).
At this point what’s needed is triage in lieu of being ignored. I can see one of two things helping in higher keys. The first would be to buff the damage reduction on blood shield. This is easily applicable before combat starts and would help stabilize the beginning of pulls and the types of pulls needed to time high keys. It would make DK even better in raid., but may equalize out what we lost in the healing DS/BS nerf. The second thing is to buff armor substantially. This would help counteract white swing dmg in higher mythic plus and would not have as nearly as heavy an impact on raid.
The biggest issue I see with balancing tanks is that they have vastly different strengths in raid versus mythic plus. It seems as if DK is always strong in raid progression At the trade-off of being able to compete with other tanks at the high end of mythic plus.
this is well put ( and not as doomer as my post) ive been maining bdk for a long time now, and this hits the issue right on the head. We r too good in raid, so they cannot help us in M plus without upsetting the raid balance. Last season of DF for example ( sorry season 3 not season 4) bdk could ezily solo tank last boss of the raid on mythic, but could barely surrvive in higher keys past 18-20 range. The death strike nerfs ( from TWW launch) were targeted at our raid viability, but had the side effect of completely crippling us in keys.