Blood beast not appearing

I’ve seen today another DK spawning several times (3 i think) in a minute a blood beast from “the blood is life” perk in the tank training dummies.
So i copied his entire build, pasted in my DK and started to try to spawn it for more than 5mins without no sucess…
Why cant i make it appear using the exact same build?

I assume you are playing Blood DK and using the San’layn Hero talents.

Blood Beast is a low % proc chance on Vampiric Strike. Vampiric Strike itself is a replacement for Heart Strike that procs sometimes when you use Death Strike. So basically Blood Beast is a proc from another proc making it VERY random as to when it comes up. You can increase your chance of seeing it by using Dancing Rune Weapon, which will replace Heart Strike with Vampiric Strike for it’s entire duration and then just spamming Vampiric Strike and hoping you get lucky.

I personally dislike the design of Blood Beast being a proc on a proc, but hopefully you can see one soon!

Exactly as u said, the proc chance is extremelly slow, i tried again, used vampiric strike nonstop during 4 mins including 2 dancing weapons and it only appeared a single time.