Coagulopathy needs some changes. Its a pretty annoying maintenance buff that, when played correctly, requires no thought, but is also something that always falls off when something minor happens like the pack died 1 gcd too soon, the boss jumped away, or so many of the other random things that force you out of melee range for more than 8 seconds. Especially since both Deathbringer and Sanlayn have a decent amount of damage tied to blood plague, loosing 125% of its damage because the boss moved is very frustrating.
A really easy fix would be to increase the duration to something like 12-15 seconds. I think the stack count should also be recued to 3 while keeping the power the same. And in a perfect world, instead of the entire buff falling off, you only lose one stack (not in a iron fur kind of way. If you dont death strike for 12 seconds, you would go from 3 to 2, then in another 2 seconds you would go from 2 to 1). I mostly just really hate this maintenance buff and if i ever stop playing blood, coag will be why.