Blonde/brown hair for Void elves?

Definitely wouldn’t take less than an hour and I’d hope they’d pay the artist.

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Yes exactly. When you get more options than anyone else as a fan of high elves, you should stop asking.


what makes you the moral authority?


I wouldn’t say stop asking. I’d say be grateful for what you’ve received and be willing to let other races get a fair shake before you get more.

We should be thankful for what we’ve received so far. It doesn’t mean we can’t ask for more, but you shouldn’t act like what we got was so little.


I think the miscommunication here is one of quality over quantity.

Saying Void Elves got, “a lot,” of new customizations is simultaneous true and false. Its true in that, numerically, there are a lot of skin tones they can now use that they weren’t able to before. Its false in that none of them are actually new, they were copied and pasted from Blood Elves.

Regardless, everyone is free to ask for more, and I think players should ask for new options they’d like to see. If you don’t like their options, just don’t use them.


But they’re massive in terms of visual freedom, and are a huge step in the Alliance high elf direction to boot. Especially when paired with the new eyes we got.


I feel the quality of what Void Elves get in a full new theme and arguably a sub race option far exceeds what many races actually got.

The argument that what they got, whether or not it was a copy paste, is still significant is a valid one. One that cannot simply be ignored just because you’d like more.


True, but… Just because you have more options doesn’t mean you should necessarily stop asking for what you’d like to see.


Male orcs have far and away the most variability right now, but they still need Dragonmaw skins, maybe a fel orc look, decent scars, and beards that don’t disgust the Loa of Facial Hair.

Which doesn’t mean they should cut ahead of worgen or nightborn just because they’re more popular.


I don’t think asking for blonde and white hair is too much. It’s very little in fact.

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I don’t disagree with that, I was simply expressing why I think players differ so drastically.

I’m not saying it can or should be ignored.

Starting to think I really didn’t word that post all that well. All I was trying to do was explain why it seems to me players disagree on whether or not the new customizations for Void Elves were a gift-from-the-gods or a low-ditch effort to shut people up. Regardless of which it was, it was effective, I don’t know anyone denying that.

Speaking for myself, I don’t think the success of the skin tones means it should stop there. There are plenty of other races that need love, after all. I just don’t think this strange obsession with people telling this one group of players, “No, you’ve had enough, shut up you entitled greedy little babies,” is particularly justified.


Not everyone who opposes the request does so in such a manner, though they all tend to be treated as if they do.

It’s their right to oppose options which allow void elves to look more visually similar to blood elves if that’s something they dislike, and it would be nice if they weren’t demonized for simply disagreeing.

On the other hand, ones who actually do throw around accusations like the hypothetical one in the quoted text as a blanket statement against anyone who wants said options are bad and should feel bad.


I was attempting to use hyperbole to satirize those who actually do use words like that. I’m well aware there are people who can and do voice their dissent as reasonable individuals.

I agree. Hope blizz doesn’t give void elves more Blood Elf appearances.


This is why you got the responses you got.

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If you keep asking for a “little bit more” again, and again, it stops being “little” especially when you’ve literally gotten everything “except” the very “little” thing you’re asking for now, which makes it a very big thing in the end.


I’d prefer to have more hair styles that don’t involve tentacles than new hair colors.

It’s not even satire about 80 or 90% of the time.

I mean people can request whatever they want, doesn’t mean it will happen. No need to dictate what others ask for, everyone has different tastes



Id be happy to have a decent white or black…


Blows my mind that void elves have no black!
I was soooo happy when night elves finally got theirs.