It wasn’t player misinterpretation. It was Blizzard telling players for years that canon-wise there were far fewer Helves and not enough to make them playable.
I read somewhere something once that said there were at leasr 20,000 thousamd high elves in Stormwind.
That comes from the RPGs, which are non-canon.
I liked her story.
Wish she’d become a BlueBerry too.
Anyone else stop reading right here?
I did too, after I read Chronicle and came to appreciate the Void more.
That would be beyond pointless at this point.
As for her having been a blueberry to start with, that just wasn’t possible. They only came up with void elves after they liked her Void plot, and she had already eaten a Dark Naaru without turning blue by that point.
I used the wrong word. I meant “She Had become a blueberry”.
Its too late now to just make her one.
Just would have helped if the original Void Elves and her were the same… you know?
I wish the story line that created more was something more like gathering the remaining High Elves and having them begin training like she did THEN have the Ethereal guy do some sort of attack to try to turn them… or maybe have lured them to the Rift anyways.
I don’t remember who said it but someone asked a dev how many high elves were still around and their response was “as many as we need there to be.”
but I think that post was expansions ago, maybe even during WotLK.
If they actually went with playable high elves there would be enough.
Edit: I know I’ve seen that post somewhere, but I’m having trouble finding it…
Double edit: All I’m seeing is high elf drama threads anymore.
Is it ironic if that made it more difficult to fact check?
I mean they’ve already given VE non-purple skin tones and different colored eyes. Why not all the different hair colors too?
Oh absolutely. They could have always added them no matter what. It was always completely their choice.
It just probably would have made more sense if they said from the start that it was to balance the factions and cater to a certain demographic. Instead of the population excuse, then introducing Velves, then it coming out in an interview about the balancing and all that being the real reason.
At this point I really don’t get why all races cannot use all hair colors. Hair dye exists…
Contact lenses and magic also exist. And we are one of the most magical races.
Although I am sympathetic towards you, looking at your character… one should not become bitter due to another characters beauty.
Please try to be a better person.
ty little one
I used to think that. I don’t really mind now though. Shadowlands is set up to allow us to form our backstory as we see fit, rather than being pigeonholed into a small box as was the case in BfA.
Regardless, I like the ability to choose high elf or blood elf as our backstory.
That would require the Pandaren to share. They’re more than willing to share their monk secrets, but seem elusive with their hair dye.
Shades of Black/White/Blond and maybe Brown are all that’s needed. (They do not have to be the same shades as Blood Elves)
Black is already on NPCs and would go well with the darker skintones.
Their hair already turns White during EE.
Alleria already has Blond Hair. So it’s lore friendly.
Brown is not too far of a stretch from Blond and would go with the new darker skin tones as well.
Given that both races can already be bald/wear hats it’s not really safe to call hair color a defining characteristic, especially when they are already the most common hair colors in the game shared across multiple races.
I would also suggest adding a Tendril Toggle similar to Night Elf Vines. Allowing you to have/not have tentacles on every hair style to your liking.
Only Alleria’s does, but she was the inspiration for the existence of void elves after all.
This would require some work on Blizzard’s part, mostly in adding tentacles to the hair styles that don’t currently have them, but it would add so much diversity to our hair options without them even needing to add a single new style.
Well she’s literally the Void-iest of all of them so it’s not like Void = No blond.
Any ‘new’ Void Elves are going to be more like her anyway. Someone who studies the Void.
It would be the most bang for your buck for hair style diversity.
If I where to add even more too it, I would suggest different color options for tentacles. And to add even more I would suggest tentacle length. But that’s getting extreme.
So a simple toggle for all hair styles would be a good way to go.
Good points. I feel good about 9.1. The natural hair colors for void elves. Then we can move on to the other things. Paladin, race name to match customizations choice, proper city. Let’s goooo!
I think what everyone should remember is that Blizzard has said a few things regarding High Elf customization and customization in general:
They have acknowledged the new customizations given to VE and BE are high elf customizations [meaning they gave both factions the high elf look to share]
They have acknowledged that more high elven looks can be added later on, but what came with SL launch is good enough [meaning they released what they could at the time because they’re always working on new content to add]
Character customizations are an on-going thing that won’t ever end [meaning there is always going to be more customization added if the current options are not to your liking or you feel they could more]
I believe with those 3 points in mind, that in the future VEs will get customization that can make them look like Alleria.
A lot of other races got customization that allows for closer looks to their faction leaders (Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Worgen, Night Elves, Orcs [Green & Mag’har], Tauren, Undead, Trolls [more so ZD], and Blood Elves [you can literally make genderbend Lor’themar]).
To end it, I also think they’re far more likely to add more options than deny others anymore options. And the way they’ve been going about what to add to races are what players request, thus simply keep requesting what you would like added and the rest will fall into place.
they can just do a hair swap and if they must remain recolor the tattoos so as not to encroach on a blood elven theme she is no longer associated with
again this has to be pointed out. alleria had a unique transformation. i dont beleive her hair is actually ‘white’
this is just what blonde hair looks like voided out which the generic void elves dont have because their hair and color actually reflects void corruption
this is the same response i would give to anyone asking to look like a racial leader. for example, nathanos and calia have unique appearances but also had unique transformations that arent repeatable which is why the playable forsaken cannot look like them