I dont know if Im not understanding something, but the Blocked Net Spot at both the fishing hub in Azure and the one in Plains stay blocked even after I complete all available daily quests. This happens at all levels of the stock (Moderate to Rich). idk what Im supposed to do.
EDIT: i found a wowhead comment that says only 1 blocked net can be unblocked per day, so if you unblock 1 in River Mouth, you can unblock another in another zone. I cant test this until tomorrow, but figured Id leave this thread up for anybody else.
If Blizzard reads this, I would suggest making this more clear in game.
The nets are a bit confusing, while there are four potential net spots each week (two per area), you can only have three active and have to choose which of the locations to unlock the ‘bonus’ net that day.
I tend to choose the least active location for the 2nd net as if a location’s bar is drained, you cannot put down a net at all.
What would be beneficial is if you scroll over the fish icon on your mini map, if it would display the status of your nets, so you don’t need to fly out to remember if they are done, not done, or not even set.
Bumping. Thought this was a bug as well. This bonus net mechanic definitely needs to be made more clear in-game so we’re not wasting our time doing dailies to unblock nets that can’t be unblocked.
Just did the Waking Shore dailies and set both my nets. I then went over the ice fishing spot in Azure Span and set a net. Then I did the daily to unblock the bonus net but it won’t let me use it.
This is not intuitive at all the way things are set up.
Bumping this as well, could really use some clarification. I’m seeing the same behavior but should be able to view what’s happening within the game system. #feelsBroken
+1 to this thread. Also the first time I placed nets, I couldn’t find them again…why not put something on the map?
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I’ll also offer a +1 I just found the Roaring Dragonsprings and was super confused as to why it wanted me to complete a daily that wasn’t there…
Bump. I also wasted time on this today.
I would consider the error message given, a bug, because it’s incorrect.
I had the exact same problem and can confirm NO other fishing nets (in any area) were active when this happened to me.
Fix arcane mage touch of magi bug one shot BfA bosses, hey fix this, or add it to all other classes. or I will try my best to let as many people know this make it even broken. This bug one shot every BfA bosses in mythic, 6 million damage, what the heck game are you guys making? horrible pvp balance and also pve class balances. now your favor of mages and burst dps even apply to legacy superiority.
Still bugged. I did dailies in both Waking Shores & at Grimtusk with no active nets … still says ‘blocked’ … what a waste of time.