Is it possible to block / ignore an entire server so that you don’t get grouped with players from it in the LFD tool? I realize something like that would increase queue times, but even with the increased time the overall start to finish from queue up to dungeon done would likely still be quicker given how much smoother the dungeon run would be without pugs from that server.
The bureaucrat-conrad-technically-correct answer is premades but otherwise no.
Booooooo! Well, alrighty then. Take the good with the bad I suppose. The convenience of not having to put a group together yourself with some of those groups being absolute nightmares when ya don’t.
Are you from pagle? Yes please remove yourself from my queues, quality would improve so much.
Benediction is just as bad lmao
The frequency illusion (also known as the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon) is a cognitive bias in which a person notices a specific concept, word, or product more frequently after recently becoming aware of it.
I had always wondered if there was a name for this. When I can’t believe how bad someone is at mechanics it’s almost always Faerlina… but is it really? Unless you track it statistically (which I don’t) it’s gonna be biased based on past experiences. I also know there’s a language barrier that often presents itself, I’m just not multilingual enough to solve it if they aren’t quick on their feet or knowledgeable of the fight before-hand.
I’ve had good and bad players from every server. You can’t really judge a person based on which one they play on.
To answer your question, there’s a way to bypass Dungeon Finder. Group Finder isn’t currently cross realm at the moment. So you could try using that and LFG chat to find dungeon groups.
Everyone says the same things about players outside their server.
I play on Mankrik and have had good experiences and bad. There are a lot of generally socially unadjusted players playing Cataclysm across the board.
See, what I see most from faerlina is spellcaster DKs, or DKs who think they need all the spellcaster gear
I used to hate when my group was full of paglers, but recently atiesh has def taken the cake for somehow being the worst and most toxic alliance server. Like they should really pick one or the other
You know it’s funny I don’t even know which server you’re talking about. It’s always possible you’ve had some bad experiences and you’re just more likely to notice them now that you have that correlation in mind.
Sometimes blocking individual characters is helpful though if you come across particularly egregious behavior.
I love when people make a bunch of generalizations based on no facts or data and then run around like Little Lord Fauntleroy and speaking about things they have no clue on.
The thought of DK’s running around in holy paladin gear is giving me a smile. I want to run into one of these guys now.
Have seen a prot warrior wearing Hpally gear. Almost booted him with how often he was dying.
Still don’t know why a DK would ever need a caster staff or cloth gear however, but I guess I’m just not capable of understanding Faerlina logic.
Oh you mean they just need on everything? Enchanters, simple as that. Realised what you meant after you said staff since DK’s can’t wield em.
I too don’t understand Faerlina players’ logic.
Something is really wrong with that server.
I had a tank at lvl 16 in RFC complain couse I needed on a green weapon with just stam on it that was clearly an upgrade for me as that that was a tanking weapon. Mind you I still had white weapons and this was a clear upgrade.
I once got kicked out of a group for one of Hellfire Citadel dungeons because I went back to pick up the quest when the group engaged first group of trash and question marks appeared on my mini map.
There’s dumb situations everywhere.