Blizz...your game is broken...and it's time to talk about it [Detailed Breakdown]

That’s why you get an NPC to make it old again. Best of both worlds.

We’ll have to disagree about that. Character progression is character progression and alts are not a form of “Class change service”. They’re an entirely different character to experience the world with, including obtaining power.

I know you dont agree with it, we have had this discussion before. We will have to agree to disagree.

Hes not wrong tho…

And now your opinion means absolutely nothing to me…

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You realise we can go play Classic right now right ? Don’t have to rely on rose colored glasses anymore.


Yup and I have been playing both sooooo? Only reason I am on live atm is AoTC and the +15 mount. After I accomplish those two I am out of live again till Shadowlands. Which I have not bought yet cause of wtf train wrecks like this patch.

I didn’t read it all but you are heavily exaggerating the issues in point one. The patch isn’t bugged to allow players to reset their dailies. That’s just something that happened last night some how. Whatever that was, it was not predictable or testable.

Past that, I am unaware of gear drops not working properly in visions. What were your expectations?

Anyway, from my perspective, you have it co platelet backwards on titanforging and to be saying this on a week where season 4 isn’t even out is really absurd.

Without systems like this, gearing just has no teeth. It HAS to be in the game otherwise a huge majority of the content just doesn’t work. Without AP and titanforging world content and mythic plus has no purpose. Those were the only reasons they were useful now, so I’m not sure what anyone expects but at least in bfa these systems were going to just be made obsolete because people like to play for a month get all the gear they need then never progress again.

Good, I’m not much into AV grinding, or sitting idle because raids get cleared in 3 pulls, so I’ll just go do Mythic Ny’alotha and enjoy corrupted gear and doing Horific Visions, with classes that actually require more than 1 button.

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The issue is actually quite close to this statement, only WoW could succeed as an action RPG if it didn’t get held to MMO standards.

The problem with making WoW into something more similar to Diablo is the fact that there’s time gating involved fo slow the consumption of product. The systems that work for Diablo have utterly failed for WoW, but the devs don’t see that. It’s been a pet peeve of mine.

I didn’t read the OP because I’m honestly too tired (just woke up) but I saw your statement and wanted to make a little comment because it does ring true, and is one of the biggest issues; they half made an action RPG but are still attempting to maintain the MMORPG feel which results in really badly time gated and limited content.

I hope my rambling made some semblance of sense. Time to wake up.

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Says the demon hunter lol

Kinda sad when Havoc’s most passive build has more buttons to push in combat than like 90% of classes in Classic.

Also, I don’t even play this Demon Hunter.

I see great design not my problem.

Well said!

Yeah quite sad but entertaining for the masses to read that drivel. A DH defending the pruning.




a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

“it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research”

You do know what a forum is for, right?

I’m literally waiting for dailies to reset in 20 minutes. Even then it isn’t like world content takes brain power so yes, I also gander at the forums while I fall asleep killing mobs with 80k health.

Your acting like it takes hours to post here it only takes a few secs maybe 1 min at best of real time your reaching here just like him i play alot more vs being on the forums infact i do it mostly on flight paths in wow to have something to do thats it lol. BFA final patch is just amazeing to me to each there own i guess.

I agree on all three points.

BFA beta was a ghost town so what they should have done was invite more players to test if they knew beta was going to be so short. This is important to have enough players to find bugs.

Gearing structure with titanforging/corruptforging is broken. I agree as well because it undermines a lot of the rest of progression in the game and makes it harder to balance. There is a reason why mythic + became more popular than raiding and PVP.

And as for alts I agree here as well. WoW has been an alt driven game for a long time and the devs trying to force Eastern MMORPG mindset into the game has failed badly.

Doesn’t solve anything. This is verifiably true by any bug making into a patch not X.0. Everyone with an account can log onto PTR and test the new stuff just like they could test BFA if they were invited. The truth is either most players don’t do this, or blizzard doesn’t listen to feedback.

Neither of these problems are fixed by “just invite more people”. If the ENTIRE playerbase getting “invited” to 8.3 beta didn’t fix bugs on launch, inviting more people to shadowlands beta isn’t going to prevent more bugs either.

Agree and thank you for putting these thoughts together. I tried to enjoy the patch so far but I don’t think even a raid with the quality of a nighthold or Blackrock foundry could make me stick around.

The reason why you see less feedback on PTRs now is because there was no dialogue or communication if any in beta.

It has a trickle down effect in that players become discouraged from testing future content (eg patches) if beta is limited in scope of players testing content, lack of focus in testing content without patch notes. And also limited in what you can test.

Basically Blizz chased away those testers from betas and PTRs by burning all that good will built up over the years.

Theorycrafters, bug hunters, or players enthusiastic about the expansion.

Without communication, or recognition of what is being tested or what should be tested. Or even what is intended or not you do not have a two way channel.

Blizz is the one that shot themselves in the foot by ignoring players in beta. And the result is players have chosen to not participate in PTR feedback as Blizz has been on tunnel vision mode.