Blizz's own words about Hunters

Doesn’t MM get some new eagle pet ability? So it’s not entirely pet void.

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Which is even dumber.

If i want to play solo, with no pets, i cant, if i want my own pets, i cant either, we must have this fake bird pet


And youve had it for the last 10 already. So yeah. And that is not a hunter class fantasy, but a ranger. Which a goblin would never be. But you can still be it. Right now. No changes needed.


We took away your IRL pet. But here is a gold fish for you to play fetch with. Same energy.


Bring back vanilla pets. You have to feed them to keep loyalty up. Im ok with that. It would make the meat I find from leatherworking and such worth it to keep and not vendor or ah.

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I’m fine with not having a pet, haven’t used one in years

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These hunter QQ threads are getting ridiculous. There are 3 new ones every day.

Go BM if you want a pet.


Its not new ones, its the sames ones because people like you keep bumping then, so thanks.

:clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:


I haven’t seen any new ones. I think there might be 3 variants that are added to.
I don’t like playing BM. Why don’t you go play some spec or class you don’t like?

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Go Mage if you don’t want a pet.


Sylvanas had a pet. Its name was nathanos blightcaller


Classic might be the play for some of you. It’s a wonderful place where you can live in the past and ignore the winds of change!


If people wanted to play classic they would be there already, you must think you gave a rly galaxy brain suggestion here but you did not.


Anyone that uses the forums to say i didnt get what i want so i hate blizzard.

I haven’t seen much of that here, so odd thing to post out of the blue. :woman_shrugging:

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Even the constitution has amendments. Change is good, even when it FEELS bad. But feelings aren’t facts, and the fact is, Hunter needs this to make the specializations more unique from each other. Evolution doesn’t happen without adaptability. Either adapt or move on, but don’t try to keep this spec in the past.


It exists outside the game space unlike every other pet. What that ultimately means in practice, we’ll have to see on the PTR.

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If you want to keep your meat instead of vendoring/auctioning it, you can just do that without forcing the Tamagotchi minigame back onto the rest of us.

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Way more upside than the perceived downside. I like the change.


I feel like people are at the point that they just want to complain for the sake of complaining. MM is for people who want to play hunter and not deal with a pet. Thats why it’s there. Just deal with it instead of ranting cause you don’t care for it. Others might.