@BlizzDev Give any pres above 2.8 a title / add 1 spot

Games last night were cooked. The top 4 evokers gave it their all, playing out of their mind 6-0’ing every other class for five hours and going volatile into each other through the end

The guy who made it above 2800 and got passed in the literal last 10 seconds of the season by the guy playing from Europe, when mind you this is 100 points above the cutoff for other healers, absolutely deserves a title.

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Oh man I deserve crimson r1 too since I was playing above multiple specs cutoff as well!


The legend preservation cutoff is 2779

It’s 2819 as of ssn end. There are only 3 pres spots.

maybe blizz should update their leaderboard then

also, every pvp website is showing 5 eligible spots for preservation

I mean sure, the websites are using stale data and the leaderboard hasn’t updated. The top 8 dragons are four unique accounts all above 2800. Then the 5th highest account is all the way down at 2732. There’s no one at 2779 that was the cutoff yesterday for the 3rd highest (there are 3 spots)

Rip that guy then I guess

Couldn’t this argument be made for any class/spec that duked it out and then went right below the cutoff at the end?

I don’t understand?


Yeah. This isn’t a principled take - fair’s fair, the rules are what they are.

I do think having 3 spots for pres when the other classes have 15, and pres used to have that many, is an artifact of blizz keeping pres under tuned until the very end of the season.

In a nutshell, my point is ‘which of the 4 dragons got the 3 spots was determined entirely by who was unlucky enough to face the others more often on the last night of the season, and they could and did reliably 5-1 or 6-0 on demand any other player on a different spec’.

I agree that’s special pleading of a sort

Wouldn’t that be the same as 20 dragons with 15 spots?

Are you asking for a minimum number of spots (e.g. 15) no matter how few players there are for a spec?

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You can’t use the blizzard site as accurate. It updates daily, rather than when it should actually update. Seramate will give you an accurate update, but you have to make sure it updated after season ended.


This is the accurate cutoff.

But that’s just the reality of any competition. Sometimes the best ones have wonderful levels of competition and yet someone still loses. Much of which comes down to “luck” like who’s healthy when or just the timing of teams facing others.

See: recent super bowls and World Series and other sports championships.

There’s still celebrating the success of doing well even if it ended tinged in the disappointment of losing the ultimate goal.


Also to tag onto this, there’s a case to be made that Soloq & 3s should close on separate days to up participation. I guarentee you that if soloq had ended last tuesday, and 3s today, that BOTH brackets would be super competitive in the last weeks. But because they’re both ending on the same day, it forces people to choose. Unfortunately, the top end of healers that can take the choice of getting a 3s title will prioritize real 3s.


It really does feel silly that solo shuffle has such insane title slot disparities. I feel like itd be cooler if there was some relativism, but im not sure where to draw that line without devaluing the title.

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Is it though? Because seramate also shows 5 pres slots and 2 of the characters are on the same account, which would extend the 5th slot to 2814 guy

If I cannot trust blizzard, who can I trust

Maybe increasing the minimum from 3-5 or something?

Wouldn’t change the value of specs like dh/ret/arms etc that have many spots, but would maybe benefit the few other specs that have low rep - arcane, pres, etc (not enhance since it is one of the specs of all time)

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Someone will complain that tanks get more slots

5 slots include alt. Afaik the alt will be removed in the grand total, so it’s 4 slots ending on Ryuga at 2815.

Sounds made up

Maybe we up it to 6 by taking the 3 tank slots and then tanks get 0?

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