Blizzconline Predictions for the Story

At some point we either laugh or cry. I’d rather laugh, even if I’m crying on the inside.

No it’s even better! Someone in the EU-English forum made this speculation: Sylvanas is the one who saves Anduin and maybe Arthas from the Maw-corruption before dying and as such redeeming herself!

Dang you monkey paw’d that wish so hard.

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…do we have a bingo sheet?

ooooo this is … interesting :slight_smile:


In the words of Weird Al,
“Aw man, I hate it when I’m right.”


Korthia uses Domination Magic… And resembles the Drust. Since the Jailer dragged part of it into the Maw to learn secrets I assume Korthia is the source of Drust Death Magic.

I know the curse of which you speak. Dark magic that possesses the mind of the afflicted.

Long ago, the Drust were ruled by a sorcerer king named Gorak Tul. It was he who twisted our rituals and us upon the path of death and domination.

You will need to claim a portion of his power to break the curse.

Take this fetish to Gol Inath and temper it in the Flame of Oblivion. But beware… it is a vile place, and danger lurks among its shadows.

I wonder what connection Korthia has to the Nightmare. The Maw is understandable since it was close enough for the Jailer to drag Korthia from it’s Death Realm to serve as a Zone so one would think the Jailer and the Runecarver would know enough on how to wield Korthia’s Domination Magics…

The “free” block isn’t free enough.



The sad part is, it’s totally possible with current writers. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what would happen.

I’m on oposite, if he gets to die together with Sylvanas, then it would be like hitting two birds with one stone. :ok_hand:
Not that dev would allow it happen I can’t see them killing their precious golden boy.

But to me it would mean that Horde finally got rid of the person that was dragging it down the morally black path, and Alliance got rid of a guy that was holding them back from pro-active development and more aggressive moves.

If that would happen we can actually have morally grey stories from now on.

The leaks just make it look like the Jailer might win to me, at least for a short period of time. If we’re fighting Sylvanas and Anduin instead of him in Torghast, you have to wonder where he is and what he is doing while we’re raiding his pantry.

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“THE” person? If there is one thing I can agree with Tyrande and Saurfang on, it is that no one person is to blame for the state of the Horde. And the removal of the previous leaders did not prevent one such as Sylvanas taking over. Sylvanas has led the Horde for only slightly longer than Vol’jin. She is hardly “the” one - and the Horde didn’t exactly go kicking and screaming. Many folks in the Story and in the Playerbase were fine with her leading until she peaced out and revealed her plan.

That may be true. Who would take up the mantle of peace on the Alliance? Velen would have to step up in a big way - and the Sindorei would likely side with him if he needed the Horde’s help to overthrow a crazy Alliance leader. I noticed he was there in BfA, but he sort of laid low, and didn’t do much to antagonize me as a Horde Player.

Jaina and Moira are simmering down. So is Genn - and with Sylvanas out of the picture, he may be less inclined to provoke a war.

The Alliance would definitely be more open to new pathways of story telling without Anduin at the helm. While I don’t blame Sylavnas for all the Horde’s evils, I do feel Anduin has been doing all he could to keep the Alliance as a force for good, and without him in the way, they will show their true colors.


I think that ruining entire Horde reputation but burning down the tree with still population on was a big deal. And tactics that usually required attacking unarmed population. it made Horde look weak and pathetic . Sure, she led longer than Vol’Jin but she left Horde even more weakened than before.
And while I have no problem fighting nelves and other Alliance members, being painted as the villain for doing so is not cool at all.

Belflets siding with Alliance when it’s convenient for them is nothing new. Even now they’re flocking back to Alliance through the back door via velves, and before they wanted to jump the ship back in MoP. They were never reliable memebers.

And honestly, why would anyone want to take a mantle of Peace in Alliance? I would rather if Alliance focused on their own matters and their own business. They lack agency and are portrayed as saviors of the world over and over again.
Which narratively speaking makes any move against them as evil even if you actually have valid grievances against them if you play troll.

In order for this faction to look appealing they need to be shown to be actually be potrayed as faction with multiple kingdoms that have various interestes, objectives, needs and so on. But everything is swept under the rug for higher purpose.

It’s incredibly anti-climatic if you’d ask me. And it’s the reason why so many Alliance players are so disappointed because they’re not allowed to have politics that is surrounding their most basic needs.

And this is why the story is so bad. It feels very unrealistic. Even more when 18yo brat is holding everyone by their necks and not allowing them to act for their own best interest.
Not to mention when we have game built around 2 factions fighting each other, having peacemongrels at helmet is a stupid move.

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