Blizzconline Predictions for the Story

Stuff got uploaded early to the Blizzard press site. MMOC thread:



I think you are right in the money with these predictions.

Judging by the pictures for Blizzcon?

Moar Sylvanas, Bolvar and Anduin.

It will be poop.

What do I win?
No but seriously they will continue to make Sylvanas somehow more sympethatic and that she just wanted to do good but oh no Tyrande is angry and just as Andiun is about to save Sylvanas with his powerful blonde hair Tyrande ruins everything by killing the banshee.

There may or may not be a single tear from Andiun.

This is my prediction

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Well, that’s a lot.

Spoilers I wonder what they're actually going to do with Death Knight Anduin.

Is that what happens? Haha.
Thats hilarious.

Well now they have nothing of note to reveal about WoW at Blizzconline except what was just leaked. How poopy. I’ll hold out hope for some surprises.

Dunno, just going off the concept art in the MMO champ thread. Clearly something is happening in this space, though I still seriously doubt they’re really commit to it.

He’ll be back to normal by the next expac, I’d bet money on that.

I’m calling it now. Anduin and Sylvanas secretly team up to take down the Jailer. It’s all a ruse.

Back to normal? No.

Lightforged Andiun that counteracts the bad death mojo?


We already saw a hint of it in revendreath.
Maybe sadiun will finally become mandiun.

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My guess is Arthas’ soul is in Anduin’s sword. Arthas is the new Ner’zhul in essence. Might even be why the concept art for DK Anduin looks like Arthas.

If Anduin is going to become Manduin then I expect it’ll be because some part of Arthas is going to be sticking around in his head telling him what to do. I look forward to the narrative where Anduin blacks out and Arthas goes on a killing spree of Horde orphans, and then the next faction war starts.

…and then they smooch, right?


Are you kidding me, Valko!?
Of course they do.


Oh ho ho.

Look who’s back

EDIT: Wait. Is that…Anduin?

I am normally not a believer in “leaks”, but since the rumor is Blizz accidentally leaked it themselves, and they are actively purging the Forums in GD that have too much info… these leaks seem legit. Or a very well executed distraction.

So I predict that.

I agree. At least, I hope so.

People on this Forum have called me an “edgelord”, but I have often said I liked Anduin’s wholesomeness. I thought he was a good character, and he brought a needed perspective. There are people who strive for peace, even when it seems foolish, and I think he portrayed that well.

Of all the things that happened over the years, this one is kinda bugging me. Why couldn’t they do this Baine? Bleh. After Arthas, Sylvanas, and now Anduin, I suppose Death must be a Bisexual gentlemen that prefers Blondes.

If I wanted an Alliance Character to go evil, I would want it to be someone I enjoyed fighting. Like Turalyon, or Alleria, or Genn. But Anduin has been a pretty fair leader even as an enemy leader. I don’t feel much joy over having to face him. And little joy in saying: “Finally, an evil Alliance Leader to kill!”


I’m actually interested in Anduin’s future after this.

Maybe we finally kill him!

Let me dream damn it.


Don’t be. I can see it now.

Blizzard: “So, our original plan for the Forsaken was to have Calia lead them, but we received a lot of feedback from our players that they explicitly did not want this, so we decided we’d make Anduin into a Death Knight so he can be saved and, as a fellow undead, can become the new King of the Forsaken.”

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Honestly, I can see it just ending with Jaina and Bolvar rushing Anduin’s body back to the Covenant leaders, they’re all “We can tell he’s a really special person. We can get all this icky necromancy out of him.”, and they do so, and Anduin comes out none the worse for wear because he’s Anduin.


I’m going to be honest, if that ended up being the case I would be way too amused at the whole thing to be angry.

Just like if he saves Sylvanas from being killed when we finally fight her I’ll be laughing too hard to be angry because it’s just so bad it’s great.