Blizzcon, What are you going to do for non group content player?

But a mythic only dungeon? Loads of players don’t do mythic.

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For the last 3 expansions you have told everyone how much everything but the current expansion sucks and the current expansion can do no wrong. You simply follow whatever is trendy today.

No you kept bragging how you played EQ in MANY of our back and forths. I am only going by comments you made.

If you want your comments from 6 years, you can pull them up. I don’t care if you deny everything I have said. ANYONE can go back and look.

You defended WoD. Yo defended Legion. You defended BFA. You now defend SL.

I didn’t have on those just parts of them. You defended almost every piece.

Look man. You can say whatever you want.

If you want to have your entire point making up things about me…you do you. I am flattered, but maybe make your own “Akston” thread.

I don’t think you have said anything besides a personal attack towards me. Would you like to actually stay on topic and participate in this conversation?

Thought they added mythic plus so the solo player who doesn’t and can’t raid can get good gear ??? What happens to that ? It’s very hard to get good gear if that’s all you do , with such an abysmal drop rate .

i dont think you know what a solo player is.

I wouldnt say specifically solo player. But m+ does offer a route of getting high end gear that was previously not available.

In WoD, it was “raid or die”. They changed it.

i didnt give any numbers. I gave an account from what i see here in these posts and from people on my servers. Proudmoore, Bleeding Hollow, MoonGuard. From my guilds as well which are huge numbers and people have stated they do like solo content. So it isnt new that majority dont like. This is my experience. What I am seeing in at least 5000 people between the guilds I am in which are very big popular guilds on these realms I listed. Didnt know I needed to go into exact details. sweet lord Jesus Chariots of fire on these forums. LOL

i mean you gotta admit it is a bold statement that the majority of people in a game that is “supposed” to be multiplayer infact mostly play it solo. its definitely plausisble. after all theres a reason the mmo genre is kinda dead outside of a few games.

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Stating you like solo content does not make you a solo player.

I like solo content. I also like raid content. I also like m+ content.

If you make a strong assertation like you did, people want to know the reasoning and source behind it.

Now that we know you are claiming its a fact that the “solo player” makes up the majority of the WoW player base…based on a handful of guilds you are in…and its membership saying they “like solo content”

It basically means I can ignore that previous statement, as it has no real factual backing.

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I understand. Im 44 I dont like all these new games that are out. I do like Final Fantasy, Star Wars MMO but has gone downhill, I dont like the Star Wars games anything moba and shooting games. I do like Super Mario Brothers and Smash brothers. I also like Grand Theft Auto.

Which is why I made my previous post. See previous post :slight_smile:

so what you are saying is, all the quests (not just the ones that require u to do dungeons, and kill a certain boss and find an item inside the dungeon) but all the quests require a group?

you and I have been playing two very different games

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Well, they can’t just address such a narrow, niche band of players…can they? I mean, that would be absurd…wouldn’t it? Catering to the 1%. In the newest expansion. And not backing down.

Wait and see. I think you and that article were spot on. There are more of us than them. How do you piss off an already annoyed group? Double down on what they’ve been doing since launch of SL, which is put the focus on what they want to do, rather than what their playerbase enjoys.

In touch?

…or completely out of touch?

We’ll find out, and go from there.


As with Return to Karazhan and Mechagon, the large mega-dungeons are initially released only as Mythic versions, because Blizzard wants them to be challenging.

Later, they’ll add faceroll queueable versions.

It would be nice if they iterated upon systems like Torghast more. It can be run solo or in small groups, scales with the number of players in the group, and gets progressively harder. It could drop currency for gear that you can upgrade that has set bonuses for out in the world, or queueable content maybe, to give people a progression path that doesn’t infringe upon the progression paths of raiders or M+ or rated pvp.

I think this would make whole bunches of players happy.

MMO stands for massively multiplayer online game No where does it say that it only includes RAIDS,PVP or M+ . From what i found is a large number of players often hundred or thousands on the same server. So that means that non groups players fall in that category I know (SHOCKING).


Torghast was a failure, though, because the people it was meant for (solo players) complained that it was too hard, and Blizzard ended up massively nerfing it.

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Torghost, I feel, would be hard to really implement gear rewards for. Anima powers throw things so out of whack, that the longer you are in Torghast the easier it becomes.

Floor 1 always feels harder than floor 5/11/17. I don’t know if simply adding more mobs/health/damage changes really anything.

Maybe im just nuts but i play this MMOrpg for what you just said in this post :sweat_smile:.

Well yeah Torghast specifically, but they could have scaling content that doesn’t have anima powers. Their main hurdle is “gear is gear”, which excludes branching progression paths.