BlizzCon Returns In 2026

BlizzCon Returns In 2026

Our celebration of our universes, connection, and community is coming back to the Anaheim Convention Center next year.

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I heard the last Blizzcon, was among the worst.

The event has been growing cheaper and cheaper, and fans have noticed.

When I was young, around Wrath/Cata, I really wanted to go, now that I’m older it’s gone to “hell naw” lol.

Especially to Anaheim CA.

I wonder what they’ll have to announce.

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Was really hoping for a 2025 BlizzCon for Midnight pre-expansion hype :[ ah well

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Interesting choice, by the time September 2026 comes around we should be in, or approaching Midnight Season 2.

Guess they have a lot to share on the Last Titan.

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Really? I thought the expansion cycle is roughly 2 years give or take. Sept would be like a month or so after the 2 year point after TWW’s release.

Look at the road map for 2025, player housing, which is a Midnight feature, is slated for the patch following 11.2.7.

They’ve moved on to 18 month expansion cycles now. They mentioned this at the last Blizzcon.


Oh wow a new raid already in the summer. So I guess Midnight in April/May 2026.

Yeah, 11.2 will be out in August-September. No later than September 16th if everything is still on track as there is a Brewfest update in 11.2, and Brewfest starts September 20th.

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Now we know where all of the Brutosaur money went. :rofl:


TBF WoW isn’t the only game Blizzard has. They’ll probably do all their Midnight stuff elsewhere.

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Hopefully with this break the return of Blizzcon will be legendary! Will def keep an eye out.

I fully support this. There is nothing worse then the end of a expansion with 6 months before the new one. I would be happy for this change

It’s not, but it’s the biggest attraction at BlizzCon. In 2023 the Diablo and both Overwatch Halls were pretty dead in comparison to WoW.

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Dang it!!

I told my husband I would go to a BlizzCon with him but I only said that because I thought it was never coming back. What to do! :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Well, you guys were pointing out that Midnight will have already been out. Theoretically. I was pointing out that BlizzCon is for more than just WoW :woman_shrugging:

IIRC Legion wasn’t even first announced at Blizzcon. I think they did it at a different venue. They might do that again.

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Quick, go book a non refundable vacation during the Blizzcon weekend before he sees!


That I have become Warchief.