Our celebration of our universes, connection, and community is coming back to the Anaheim Convention Center next year.
I heard the last Blizzcon, was among the worst.
The event has been growing cheaper and cheaper, and fans have noticed.
When I was young, around Wrath/Cata, I really wanted to go, now that I’m older it’s gone to “hell naw” lol.
Especially to Anaheim CA.
I wonder what they’ll have to announce.
Was really hoping for a 2025 BlizzCon for Midnight pre-expansion hype :[ ah well
Interesting choice, by the time September 2026 comes around we should be in, or approaching Midnight Season 2.
Guess they have a lot to share on the Last Titan.
Really? I thought the expansion cycle is roughly 2 years give or take. Sept would be like a month or so after the 2 year point after TWW’s release.
Look at the road map for 2025, player housing, which is a Midnight feature, is slated for the patch following 11.2.7.
They’ve moved on to 18 month expansion cycles now. They mentioned this at the last Blizzcon.
Oh wow a new raid already in the summer. So I guess Midnight in April/May 2026.
Yeah, 11.2 will be out in August-September. No later than September 16th if everything is still on track as there is a Brewfest update in 11.2, and Brewfest starts September 20th.
Now we know where all of the Brutosaur money went.
TBF WoW isn’t the only game Blizzard has. They’ll probably do all their Midnight stuff elsewhere.
Hopefully with this break the return of Blizzcon will be legendary! Will def keep an eye out.
I fully support this. There is nothing worse then the end of a expansion with 6 months before the new one. I would be happy for this change
It’s not, but it’s the biggest attraction at BlizzCon. In 2023 the Diablo and both Overwatch Halls were pretty dead in comparison to WoW.
Dang it!!
I told my husband I would go to a BlizzCon with him but I only said that because I thought it was never coming back. What to do!
Well, you guys were pointing out that Midnight will have already been out. Theoretically. I was pointing out that BlizzCon is for more than just WoW
IIRC Legion wasn’t even first announced at Blizzcon. I think they did it at a different venue. They might do that again.
Quick, go book a non refundable vacation during the Blizzcon weekend before he sees!
That I have become Warchief.