A perfect opportunity to reveal the Midnight cinematic featuring Lor’themar and Thalyssra.
Edit: Wait…Midnight’s estimated to be revealed this year, though. What could prompt the need for a Blizzcon if not for Midnight?
A perfect opportunity to reveal the Midnight cinematic featuring Lor’themar and Thalyssra.
Edit: Wait…Midnight’s estimated to be revealed this year, though. What could prompt the need for a Blizzcon if not for Midnight?
Show us the goodies
Has anyone ever actually been to an in person blizz con? Is it something that a person who hates crowds would enkoy? I’ve always wanted to try a convention.
StarCraft 3 reveal perhaps
We are homebodies for the most part so I fear this would not work.
For those of you that will go I am happy to hear that the Con is back and you can once again attend.
Guess things are going well on the Last Titan as September would probably about the time to reveal the next expansion, since we will already be six months into Midnight by then.
Eh. After the complete cluster f that was the last Blizzcon, this is an easy pass.
Let’s make sure the BlizzCon digital goodies are nice.
I’m shocked this is happening. I figured Blizzcon’s were done.
Was hoping for one this year but I’m happy it’s at least coming back.
Yes really.
Yes, I have been three times. 2014, 2016, and 2018.
I have sensory issues, panic disorder, and handle crowds poorly. Tips:
A last point - in 2018 the security was super heavy and they fenced it off with 45k people. Entry was bag searches and metal detectors. Once in you were behind the security wall and leaving was a pain so most did not. I hated it. I prefer it when people spread out and can come and go through the day. I get WHY they did the security, but if you hate crowds keep that part in mind. It may impact the event significantly and make it feel really crowded.
I went in 2023 and they had zero control over the crowds. Crowds were insane and they had to close the Darkmoon Faire early because they ran out of prizes, and you had to be a lucky one to get into the DMF because the hall was over capacity and there was a line to get in.
If you hate crowds, Idk if BlizzcCon would be good for you. No sense of personal space.
That being said, maybe they learned a lot from 2023 and 2026 will be better but who knows.
Ugh. Yeah that would be terrible. The loot bags and limited vendor items always sell out/run out but it still sucks. People plan way ahead to get to the lines for the merch they want. Super long lines are the norm, but if they did not have the vent and staff ready for it then chaos could happen.
Between 2014 and 2018 when I last went, they had doubled the people attending. They were using more floor space at the convention center but it was just too many people in 2018. You seem to say it was worse in 2023 so I will take your word for it.
2023 was my only experience but it felt like chaos. AT one point while we were waiting for the doors to open I witnessed two Blizzard staffers yell at each other because their supervisors gave them conflicting information on where to direct crowds/lines. Full on screaming match, was not a good look.
I was at the last one it was awesome Idk what you are talking about.
Cons like Comicon never appealed to me. I can’t imagine what kind of weirdly dressed and smelly people would show up. Especially since Americans need to be told to take a shower before attending such events.
Never going to another, I went to the one in 2023, 100% Disabled veteran and was afforded no venue to see competitions unless sitting in a wheelchair on the ground floor, looking up was supposed to be what was intended.
The accommodations, ticket prices, travel, coupled with California prices for food, drinks, was well over $1,500 for one person.
Finally, being told all the things I would see and have access to in TWW was mostly hype and underachieved goals. A list of unaddressed bugs that still exist is available but makes no sense in posting it as some dev will block post just because.
No need to go, especially in California. And if you are a veteran, you will receive no discounts at any hotel, restaurant, or convention regardless how many times they virtue signal and say, Thank you for your Service, as they walk on by.
Door security? I have strong doubts those were Blizzard staff. The convention center provides the staff for the doors, a lot of the security, concessions, etc. There are Blizz staff there, but you find them mostly on the convention floor at the events, and working the events behind the stages.
When I have gone the folks doing the security, bag searches, badge checks, and metal detectors were all contractors/convention center staff.
You are right though, certainly not professional to have a screaming match!
No no, they were wearing Blizzard uniforms. Blizz staff had different outfits from venue security.